Martha Higareda DEFENDS against criticism and ridicule I have the

Martha Higareda DEFENDS against criticism and ridicule: ‘I have the freedom to tell my anecdotes’

If there’s an actress who’s become fashionable in the last few hours, it’s her Martha Higaredanot for a specific action, but for that somewhat quirky and special anecdotes he shared on the Yordi Rosado podcast. For this reason, the protagonist of “Amar te duele” has chosen Break the silence and respond in this way to his critics.

What did Martha Higareda say about the mockery she received?

First of all, it must be remembered that the 39-year-old actress said she had the opportunity to act and star in a movie on the side Robert Pattinson, known for his appearances in the Twilight saga, but turned down said offer; In addition, he assured this Jared Leto He asked her out on a date in the United States, but she also declined; while Ryan Gosling He became her hero by saving her from an accident in the middle of a restaurant.

Therefore, in an interview on Gossip No Like, Higareda assured that both she and Yordi had done so Thousands of anecdotes are the result of their long careers in shows, films and other productions.

“Yordi and I (…) did some episodes of ‘Stories That Happen to Celebrities’ where he had a lot of stories and so did I,” he began.

Regarding the criticism, Martha stated that she doesn’t pay much attention to them, preferring to focus on herself. She explained that she has many more and hopes to be able to realize them thanks to a project that she has also “cooked” with the collaboration of Yordi.

“They are stories from a 20-year careerI have the freedom to tell and share my anecdotes, just as people have the freedom to believe them or not“.