Martin Levesque had already expressed murderous ideas to his psychiatrist

Martin Lévesque had already expressed “murderous ideas” to his psychiatrist

Although he has already expressed “murderous thoughts” related to the pandemic to his psychologist, Martin Lévesque was doing better and had reached “maximum capacity for psychological rehabilitation” in the weeks leading up to the tragedy, according to his therapists, a wide portrait Crying from what the defendant set out in his testimony.

• Also read: Atrocities and horror images: Martin Lévesque continues to tell the story of his military career in his murder trial

• Also read: Trial of Martin Lévesque: He belonged to the profession in which the risk of developing severe post-traumatic stress disorder was highest

Through a note in a report from his psychologist, the jury learned that Martin Lévesque had confessed to his therapist “suicidal and homicidal” thoughts during the pandemic.

The man accused of the murder of his neighbor Patricia Sirois said under cross-examination Thursday that he had raised the idea of ​​attacking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following the measures imposed during the pandemic. Speaking of a man arrested after breaching the perimeter fences of Rideau Hall, Martin Lévesque had conjured up a sinister plan.

Martin Lévesque had already expressed

Photo provided by the court

“I said if it had been me, I would have walked in there with an armored truck full of explosives and blown myself up there,” the 50-year-old told the court, assuring that those comments were “crazy” and ” not reachable”.

However, the psychologist who was treating him at the time felt the threat was serious enough to “make a pact” with Lévesque and order him not to take any action.

Different portrait

Despite this incident, reports from experts treating Lévesque, presented by the Crown on Thursday, show a significant improvement in the general condition of the man in the weeks leading up to the September 10, 2021 tragedy.

Martin Lévesque had already expressed

“Significant improvement”, “good and stable mood”, “maximum rehabilitation capacity achieved”, “sleeping well”, “still doing well”, Crown Prosecutor Matthieu Rochette tried to draw a portrait of the jury for the jury. It was a different one Mann as the worried and watchful ex-soldier who was afraid of the threat of a burglary attempt and testified to them.

Martin Lévesque had already expressed

“Given this information, can we conclude that you are trying to exaggerate your fear of the jury? “To say more than necessary,” asked the prosecutor directly.

“No,” said Martin Lévesque in a weak voice, multiplying the nervous glances at his lawyer during the prosecutor’s cross-examination.


In addition, Me Rochette was busy pointing out inconsistencies between Lévesque’s claims during his police interrogations or his meetings with experienced psychiatrists and his defense plan. The latter is based on a total “blackout” lasting from the morning of September 10 until his meeting with an investigator after the murder.

Martin Lévesque had already expressed

Photo provided by the court

However, when speaking to the investigator early in the morning of 9/11, Lévesque gives certain things that indicate he has memories. In particular, the fact that the patrol officers who arrived at the scene took notes that he was arrested on a street different from his own and that he had clearly stated that it was not his wife who had fired.

Martin Lévesque had already expressed

Screenshot provided by the court

“But today you have no memory,” insisted the QC. “Do you choose your memories, Mr. Lévesque? Is it because it would be better if you don’t remember?

“No,” the defendant replied nervously.

Cross-examination of Martin Lévesque continues Thursday afternoon.

More details to come.

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