Martin St Louis had a lot to say about Mike Babcock

Martin St-Louis had a lot to say about Mike Babcock

The Mike Babcock saga has traveled across the hockey world and Montreal Canadiens head coach Martin St-Louis spoke about it on Wednesday.

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Babcock resigned as head coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets on Sunday, just months after being hired.

The former Toronto Maple Leafs coach has been accused of intruding into his players’ personal lives. After an investigation by the National League players’ union, the 60-year-old threw in the towel.

When asked about this topic, St-Louis even allowed himself a funny comparison that still describes the situation well.

“You have to develop as a coach,” he explained at a press conference. When you go to the dentist, do you go to the dentist who has 30 year old equipment or do you go to the dentist…you know what I mean? If you want to stay in business, you have to develop further.”

In short, St-Louis’ comments clearly show the state of mind he is in on this matter.