1698468161 Massacre in Maine More guns for fewer victims Lewiston residents

Massacre in Maine: More guns for fewer victims, Lewiston residents believe

LEWISTON, I | A sign that carrying weapons is anchored in Americans’ deepest beliefs: The majority of residents surveyed in the small community of Lewiston believe that the shooter would have caused fewer victims if more people had been armed at the scene of the shooting.

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“I can’t believe no one was carrying a gun,” said Mark Duval, a resident of the area long known to hunting enthusiasts. Many people here are armed at all times, it is very surprising that no one tried to shoot him.”

If guns were already popular in Lewiston, they are likely to become even more common in the area. And its residents won’t have any trouble getting them – Le Journal was able to list at least fifteen stores specializing in the sale of firearms within a 20-kilometer radius.


Guns for sale in Lewiston. Photo Frédérique Giguère

Sales explode

Customers are streaming around JT Reid’s retail boutique and the staff is overwhelmed. Inside, toddlers wait for their parents to get ammunition and shoot through hundreds of long guns for sale.

“One day it will be your turn, son,” an employee says to a little blonde boy waiting for his father as he finishes a bag of Doritos.

The owner of the family store is surprised that sales have exploded since he reopened his doors on Friday morning.

“People are taking their personal defense into their own hands,” says John Reid. That’s nice to see. It’s our constitutional right.”


The form to fill out to obtain a gun in Maine. Photo Frédérique Giguère


The form to fill out to obtain a gun in Maine. Photo Frédérique Giguère

Young Kenneth, 22, smiles as he leaves the store in Auburn, less than three miles from downtown Lewiston. Within 35 minutes and for $550, he was able to purchase the gun of his dreams, a semi-automatic 9mm Taurus.

“I thought about it for a long time, but what just happened was my wake-up call,” said the man, who preferred not to give his last name.

Armed since he was 12 years old

Robert Genny is a hunter at heart and has had a pistol on his belt since he was twelve years old.


Robert Genny has had a pistol on his belt since he was twelve. Photo Frédérique Giguère

It has already been used, particularly to alleviate the suffering of dying raccoons on the side of the road. The tall, 1.80 meter tall man admits that he doesn’t feel safe without her.

“I have never given up threatening anyone or defending myself, and I hope I never have to,” he said. But we live in a crazy world. If I have to do it, I won’t hesitate.”

The owner of Websters Trading, a pawn shop, believes that if more people had carried guns, someone could have taken the gunman who killed 18 innocent people out of harm’s way.

“I still have mine with me and I need it,” said Shawn Copeland, who himself lost friends in the tragedy.


Handguns for sale in a pawn shop. Photo Frédérique Giguère

Any resident of the state can buy a weapon in his store. Simply fill out a two-page form and provide proof of residency. If the system does not detect a ban on the possession of weapons, the customer can be armed in less than an hour.

– With Erika Aubin

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