Massimo Lopez I never told Oggi that I was straight

Massimo Lopez: “I never told “Oggi” that I was straight, it is a language that does not belong to me, love has many types

It is once again a moment of great and deserved visibility for Massimo Lopez, who is touring Italian cinemas with Tullio Solenghi with “Where we were left”, an exciting show like all the duo’s works. However, during one of the interviews at the start of the show, there was a misunderstanding that the actor and voice actor immediately wanted to clear up because his words had been “misinterpreted by the journalist,” Lopez claims. In a sentence reported by the weekly newspaper Oggi, the actor defined himself as “straight and single”, a definition that is also included in the title of the interview.

The article states that Lopez is “single but full of love, for all the friends that matter, friends for life.” Tullio of course, but not only that. I would have liked to have met these friends too (which is what the gossip attributes). to him, note d. Red.). I can say this: that I am a heterosexual, unconvinced single. Not convinced because I don’t like being single. But maybe it’s late, I should have thought about it beforehand. Luckily I only have a few, that’s true, friends who are like family and ultimately a partner who I don’t even miss.

Well, that definition of “straight” was never spoken, says the 71-year-old actor.


“Dear friends, many of you know me and have been following me for years, and you know that some words neither belong to me nor do I share them. Today I stand here and have to write these lines and apologize to all of you for a statement that I never published: “Straight Single” is a language that does not belong to me, it is not part of me, it is not Part of my way of thinking.” “This sentence comes from a completely imaginative interpretation of my words by the journalist during an interview in which I never used the word ‘straight’. In all these years I have never loved any kind of etiquette because we are human and not objects, each with its own history and uniqueness.

“Reading some unpleasant comments in which I am sometimes defined as a ‘homophobe’ hurts the heart, especially because I have always been on everyone’s side and have firmly believed in love in all its forms.” “Yes, because that ‘Love has many forms, it has many facets, and there is no right love or less right love, only love exists. Love should never be judged or labeled!’ Lopez finally concluded with a personal assessment: “I have loved so much in my life and been loved so much, but I never felt the need to give that love a name, and even today I don’t feel the need.” mean: “I love you”.

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on Il Messaggero