Massive deportations according to Quebec Solidaire JDM –

“Massive deportations,” according to Québec Solidaire | JDM –

Quebec Solidaire immigration spokesman Guillaume Cliche-Rivard called for a debate on immigration issues in a letter on Monday. For the official elected in solidarity, “Quebec has nothing to gain from the immigration discussion taking a polarizing turn.”

• Also read: QS accuses other parties of “cutting corners” in the immigration and housing debate

In fact, I agree with his comments.

Inflammatory remarks

Paradoxically, however, last October, after his party refused to adopt a motion calling on the federal government to better control immigration, he himself reiterated that a possible decline in the number of immigrants could lead to a risk of “mass deportations.”

More specifically, he said, “Who do we cut?” We will begin deportation… we will begin mass deportation.”

I wonder how Mr Cliche-Rivard would have reacted if another political party had used the same words. He knows very well what meaning these exact words have in the story. He probably would have ripped his shirt, and for good reason.

However, Minister Fréchette's motion, which has mastered these difficult debates excellently, was not a coup intended to polarize the debate. Given the exponential growth figures in the number of immigrants announced by Statistics Canada, the CAQ government made well-articulated demands of the federal government. Even the PLQ was in favor of the proposal.

While current population growth is “unsustainable” according to economists. So the Trudeau government admits that it has lost control, that Quebec has largely done its part and that immigration controls need to be tightened; If the PLQ shares the demands expressed by François Legault in his letter to Justin Trudeau this week, we are talking about a calm discussion. Not an argument worthy of a sparrow scarecrow…which ultimately only serves to polarize.

New discussion about immigration

I don't want to put undue burden on QS and MP Rivard-Cliche, who bring interesting elements to the discussion, but it would be important for the left party to realize that they are quick to throw stones and demonize others. He does exactly what he asks others not to do.