MasterChef Enzo is eliminated from MasterChef with Erick Jacquin after

MasterChef: Enzo is eliminated from MasterChef with Erick Jacquin after bad weather

In an interview with, the young chef named his greatest pride in the program. With just over 3 years working in this field, he feels fulfilled when he can compete on an equal footing with such experienced colleagues. “It is confirmation that my work is good. Many people have passed by here and some have not gotten to where I am after years of cooking. That is great satisfaction.”

grumpy cook?

Analyzing the “beat” with Jacquin, the gaucho says he holds no grudges. “It was a nomenclature confusion. He’s very classic. When I said I would puree it, he was expecting something creamy and starchy. However, it was used in the filling [a mistura de repolhoroxo]”, he explains.

And when the chef eventually shows up in the kitchen stressed out, he explains that the intensity of the competition has made him “sinister.” Your reactions viewed by Ana Paula Padrao something like “marrentas” are a form of defense in his opinion. “Sometimes I’m withdrawn, cold, unsociable and charismatic, but it’s a form of protection.”

Coming from a humble background, Enzo says he has faced many difficult things in life and takes a more rigid approach to work. “Professional cooking is a very toxic and competitive environment. If you are very light and quiet, you will end up walking. My form of defense has always been to be shorter and fatter,” he says.

What went wrong?

Enzo admits that the emotional side was hit hardest in the elimination challenge. He has been living in São Paulo for just 3 months and says he misses his family. “I was a bit discouraged during the last tests and I think that was reflected in the food. Food is energy and from my perspective it was clear that I wasn’t doing so well.”

Though the result was inadequate, Enzo takes home something as special as victory: the friendships they’ve built together Ananda and Thalita, the trio of the “Powerpuff Girls”. Besides them, Diego and Wilson also became important people. “When I go out and people show me so much affection, it’s priceless. I’ve definitely made friends that I will carry with me forever.”

Back in Praia do Rosa (SC), where he lives with his girlfriend, the chef says he cheers for Ananda at the cooking competition. Still without a permanent job on the coast, he wants to rest a little before taking on new professional commitments:

PostMasterchef time is for recharging energy and contemplating what will happen from now on.

What happened in the 6th episode of MasterChef Professionals

Final spurt

Just before the final episodes of MasterChef Professionals Season 4, Ana Paula Padrão asked the Top 5 who they would like to play in the finals. All participants nominated Ananda as favorite for the last duel. The competitor from Santos on the São Paulo coast wants to reach the final episode with her friend Thalyta.

for the strong

At the first tasting of the evening, the chefs were greeted by a whole pig in the kitchen. The animal was cut up by butchers and each participant worked with a cut of their choice. To everyone’s delight, the market was open during the twohour competition. Good for some, even more confusing for others…

the moment of truth

By the end of the argument, Ananda was the champion of the night by delivering technique and taste. She secured the only spot on the mezzanine, proving that her peers should really pay attention as she has proven to be a strong competitor. Enzo and Wilson were the worst of the night, facing elimination alongside Diego and Thalyta.

From one end to the other…

In the episode’s final challenge, the chefs’ mission was to prepare two vegan recipes, one savory and the other a dessert. Diego had the best performance and was praised by Henrique Fogaça. According to him, the contestant “returned to the game.” Thalyta took second place, also with a positive highlight. Enzo was eliminated after a negative performance and a series of disagreements with Jacquin.