1705048948 MasterChef Italia Cannavacciuolo is sick Kassandra is critical

MasterChef Italia: Cannavacciuolo is sick, Kassandra is critical

A new episode aired on Thursday, January 11, in which it was seen how the jury was quite angry with some competitors and how Settimino wanted to owl against the young girl

Published on: January 12, 2024 07:30:00Rosanna Ilaria Donato

Web content editor

I have a degree in Media Languages ​​and have been dedicating myself to the world of entertainment for 10 years. I have worked as a freelance web content editor for various publications.

The fifth episode of MasterChef Italyto broadcast Thursday, January 11th on Sky Uno and streaming on SkyGo and Now TV, it starts with one Mysterious box Detail showing the 16 remaining participants working in the kitchen and 8 boxes available. Because aspiring chefs have to form 8 pairs. However, the message immediately creates some problems: Eleanor it's not finished yet because she feels “crappy” and alone. Then Cannavacciulo invites her to go on the “stage” with him. She thinks he wants to pet her, but he surprises everyone: “Come here and hug me.” They hold each other, but she doesn't want to let go and comments: “I want to stay here a little longer,” and later adds: ” I wanted a slap and instead he hugged me.” This occurs through a chain mechanism 8 pairs: Sara and Beatrice, Filippo and Lorenzo, Michela and Deborah, Marcus and Alberto, Andrea and Antonio, Niccolò and Eleonora, Anna and Alice and finally Settimino and Kassandra, worried because they and their helper usually work completely differently.

The Mystery Box and the Invention Test

They appear before their eyes an eye mask and a mouth gag: One will be the ghost and the other will be the right arm (the former will pass on the useful information for preparing the dish without speaking to the latter). Whoever has to cook the dish leaves the room while Barbieri prepares a porchetta pheasant with mussels and green sauce in front of those who have to explain to the others how to prepare it. The heads put on the blindfold, the others the gag. The couple that has the most problems is Settimino and Kassandra: the two cannot understand each other. Instead, they surprise Niccolò and Eleonora, because the boy reveals to Barbieri her method of making it clear to the other person that the passage has been understood. When everything goes smoothly in the blink of an eye, When something goes wrong, she squeezes his nipple, and that's why he had recently distanced himself from his adventure companion. “You're out,” comments the chef from Romagna, and the doctor replies, “I really like this test.” Finally, Alice talks to herself and thinks that Anna is at her side while no one is at the train station. The two women are the first to defeat Chef Barbieri and end up among the best, followed by Michela and Deborah. “Michela, what’s wrong with you? Are you getting softer?” Cannavacciuolo asks her. She nods yes and then explains: “We have to give in when we can.” Niccolò and Eleonora are the third. Barbieri asks him: “Do you have any bruises on your chest?” and then adds: “Did you like it?”, this time referring to preparing the dish for two people. The doctor misunderstands: “I don't know what to say…” and thinks he is referring to the bruised nipples, but the chef clarifies: “I was talking about the dish!” and explains: “Ah, I thought he was talking about the nipples…” There was no shortage of loud laughter from the judges. Eleonora takes the floor: “I liked it, it made me want to let off steam,” and Barbieri jokes: “We chose him for this, not because he can cook.” To win Gold pins are Michela and Deborahwho dedicate the victory to their 5 children.

Participants must continue the route in pairs during the raceInvention test, but now they can get each other into trouble. The Neapolitan chef shows off his “package from below,” sent to him by his family and full of food: it includes caciocavallo, cherry tomatoes, oil, salami, roasted wheat and more. Locatelli is sad because nothing ever arrived from “down there” in London and Cannavacciulo gives him a consolation kiss on the cheek, but when the Lombard chef tries to put the salami in, he stops him immediately: “Oh!”, he says as he takes the food from his hands. The test consists of cooking a dish using some of the ingredients included in the package in 45 minutes. Essentially in the pack you will find 1 sausage, 2 lampascioni, 100g of flour, a small piece of caciocavallo, cherry tomatoes and a slice of salami, all of which will be divided between the two members of the couple with the exception of Michela and Deborah, who will have a box head . When Cannavacciuolo tries Niccolò's dish, he immediately hits him on the head à la Bud Spencer (complete with appropriate music) to make it clear to him that he is in danger of elimination. The young man says: “My back pain disappeared with this blow.” The The winner of the invention test is Albertowhile initially eliminated of the episode is Beatricethe youngest of the girls in the master class.

From the outside to the pressure test

L'external takes place in the central fire schools in Rome, in which all firefighters in Italy have taken part. The guest of honor is the commander of the aforementioned academy. With their typical Roman menus, aspiring chefs must eat well 100 firefighters. Alberto chooses the red brigade and then Settimino as captain of the opposing brigade, the blue one. Kassandra, on the other hand, is forced to “sit on the bench” as she is not selected by any team. She must replace a member of the two teams if the captains are not satisfied with the actions of one person, and the last participant on the bench must face the pressure test directly. While preparing the zucchini flowers, Cannavacciuolo Niccolò asks how much filling you need for 200 of them if one of them weighs 50g, but the doctor cannot answer immediately and the cook gets angry: “Oh, I graduated from medical school with 110 cum laude???“. Then the star chef hits himself a few times with a tray, crosses himself with his fingers to Niccolò as if to say: “Go back”, and says he feels bad: “My God, I can't do it. “ In the end, Niccolò answers, at the suggestion of the chef himself: “10 kg”. As for the Blues, Michela takes command of the brigade, helping Settimino, who is in trouble, and satisfying the other team members, who are worried because they feel like they can handle the situation entirely on their own. Cassandra She is only chosen at the last minute by someone and is therefore sent along by the judges Pressure test, deserved given his lack of modesty and the fact that he never misses an opportunity to criticize the work of the blue brigade. Barbieri also gets angry, but because the red team's first course is late and a whole table is still waiting. TO On the outside, the Reds triumph led by Alberto, also winner of the invention test.

Before printing the complaints: Kassandra didn't want to go to Settimino's team because he believes that he is not capable of being captain and handling the situation, but he replies: “I disagree. I like collaboration better than an authoritarian role.” Michela and others remind us that you don't choose a team based on feeling, because it's a competition and not a game. Given the chance to save two members of his brigade, Settimino chooses Sara and himself because “I commanded with my heart and did a good job, so I deserve the balcony.” Kassandra disagrees with Settimino's choice because “They were all good but self-governing. “If you know it's your fault when the team is under pressure, you can't save yourself.” The boys on the balcony agree with her. In 30 minutes they have to prepare a trio of mushrooms: a risotto with mushrooms, a fried dish and a third preparation of your choice. According to Settimino, Kassandra is in trouble, but she thinks that he is saying it to “Owl” after she said before the test: “It's useless to do Owl, I was just expressing what the others said.” , just that I I have the guts to say it to your face” says the young woman. At the time of the tasting, Eleonora is allowed to play for the Golden Pin, but in reality the dish is so good that Locatelli feels guilty for taking the pin away from her. After all, the worst competitor is in the pressure test are Michela, Kassandra, Lorenzo, Marcus e Anna, the second eliminated In the evening I danced a beautiful waltz with Locatelli before leaving the tunnel.

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