1671564144 Maternity leave how the rule changes with the maneuver and

Maternity leave, how the rule changes with the maneuver and who can apply for it

With a change in the manoeuvre, the government has also extended the additional month of parental leave to fathers, as Minister Giorgetti announced in the commission. The package of measures for families is ready.

Maternity leave how the rule changes with the maneuver and

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Meloni was clear from the start: this help for families are among his government’s priorities. On the one hand expand support, on the other hand encourage children to have children. Especially in a historical period that – as confirmed by Istat – continues to show a decline in the birth rate. However, the budget law passed by the Council of Ministers a month ago provided for an extension of parental leave by one month with one clause: it would only apply to women. After weeks of controversy, the government itself finally corrected it: it is indeed the case in the package of amendments presented by Minister Giorgetti last night the extension of the additional month of parental leave to fathers as well.

“We have foreseen an increase to 80% of the parental allowance, which will be repaid to parents in an alternative way,” Minister Giorgetti summarized last night. Then, with regard to the call – also from the government majority – to extend the extra month to fathers as well, he added: “We have raised this awareness by removing this contradiction.” In short, the executive has the in the first version of the maneuver essentially branded gender discrimination as “inappropriate” and decided to intervene. So if the amendment were accepted – which is practically obvious – during the parliamentary vote, Parental leave is extended to both parents.

“The government has accepted our proposals to increase support for families, a cornerstone of our society, especially at this time,” said Noi Moderati President Maurizio Lupi, who had long and personally advocated “extending parental leave” – Thanks to our commitment, parental leave will be extended and extended to both parents, i.e. also to fathers, and the single supplement for large families will also increase.”