Matt Duff is taking a break from social media

Matt Duff is taking a break from social media

Comedian and columnist Matt Duff is taking a break from social media.

On Facebook, the original Saguenéan says he will return “100% rested” at the end of these four weeks.

“Hello folks! J'I've decided to take a month's vacation and I'm going to use it to completely disconnect from social media! A month break to come back 100% rested. Take care, laugh as much as you can and see you soon!” wrote that'27 year old man.

His subscribers largely supported his desire to take time for himself.

Matt Duff, whose real name is Mathieu Dufour and who worked with Sucré salé last summer, has two shows on his calendar: July 3 at the Gatineau Comedy Festival and July 13 at Acadie Love in Caraquet.