Matteo Paolillo the Mare Fuori actor who would have refused

Matteo Paolillo, the Mare Fuori actor who would have refused a photo with a Paralympic athlete at the concert

“No one asked me anything, also because there was no time, from the stage we went straight to the dressing rooms,” Matteo Paolillo dismisses the behind-the-scenes episode, which has spread on social media and has been picked up by agencies On May 1 in Rome the actor-singer, known thanks to the Rai phenomenon series “Mare fuori”, whose song he sings, would have initially declined and then agreed to take a picture with Sara Vargetto, a young Paralympic athlete.

The young actor on the series (where he plays Edoardo) instead hugged an 11-year-old who had been waiting in the rain since morning to meet his hero. It was Ambra Angiolini who brought him to the very young fan at the end of Paolillo’s performance on May 1st.

Matteo Paolillo and the “denied” selfies: “I don’t know anything”. The Paralympic athlete’s father replies

Actor’s response

“I’m sorry for the news that’s circulating and I’m even more sorry that someone spoke for me. I was in the dressing room getting ready and the staff let a few people in at various times to take photos. Only after my performance did I become aware of these controversies, which are absolutely far from my usual habits. It was wonderful for me to take part in this concert, especially because I met a wonderful audience in the rain, who gave me a great welcome.”

What happened

The father of the young athlete, who would have been refused a photo, therefore explained to the messenger: “It was raining and they certainly did not notice that small children were waiting for a photo in front of the changing room.” According to reports from the La Presse news agency, the young Paralympic athlete Sara Vargetto waited patiently underwater in a wheelchair while her father Paolo held her umbrella to keep her from getting wet, as her idol Matteo Paolillo gave her a photo. “He doesn’t like that,” the singer and actor’s employee would have said in front of his dressing room to motivate him. “After a while, my daughter Sara was able to take a picture with her favorite actor,” says the athlete’s father.

The career

Matteo Paolillo was born in Salerno on October 6, 1995 and became famous thanks to the series Mare Fuori in which he plays Edoardo. But the passion for cinema begins as a child. At the age of 13 he enrolled at Gaetano Stella’s Teatro delle Arti, where he studied acting and singing, then honed his skills at Gianni Diotajuti’s La Scaletta Theater Conservatory, earning a degree in Accounting. The 27-year-old actor’s passion for music was born in his youth at school, when Paolillo discovered and approached rap music.

Paolillo’s TV debut comes in 2016 with the Rai series Don Matteo, followed by the fictions Live and let live, Solo and Suburra: The Series. Although these programs have all had great success for Matteo Paolillo, “only” Mare Fuori enjoys great popularity, whose song, which can be heard in the acronym, is sung by Edoardo Conte’s interpreter.

The music

In addition to his work as an actor, Matteo is also known as a singer with the stage name Icaro. «It’s what I see around my generation and that I immediately brought to my pieces: Icarus is the metaphor for how much we were raised to be careerists. We have this ambition that feels more like superhero syndrome, like we always have to go to the sun. We can’t be mediocre, we’ve been taught to surpass others, to surpass ourselves. But this madness is burning our wings,” Paolillo told Rolling Stone, discussing the meaning of the nickname he uses in the music world.

After forming the band Suba Crew (with a 2017 album titled Matryoshka), the 27-year-old actor is widely recognized in the music world for Mare Fuori’s song ‘O Mar For’ (which he wrote and wrote himself). known sung, also on the stage of Sanremo 2023) as well as for other songs included in the fiction’s soundtrack, such as “Origami all’alba” and “Sangue nero” (which, however, is performed by Cardiotrap in the series).

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