1651114771 Maurizio Costanzo the sad decision finally close the door on

Maurizio Costanzo, the sad decision: finally close the door on Maria De Filippi

Maurizio Costanzo and Maria De Filippi have been together for years. But now something happens that no one expected

A few hours ago Maurizio Costanzo was the protagonist of an interview in which “Permanently delete” every chance for Maria DeFilippi. Even closing the door in her face. But what happened to Queen Mary? Let’s find out together.

Maurizio Costanzo Maria de Filippi

Today, April 27th, the long awaited late night Maurizio Costanzo Show returns. He is always in charge, the famous Maurizio Costanzo is considered “The King of TV”. And so one of the longest-running programs in Italy will come to a happy end 40 candles. No small feat for a journalist who put his heart and soul into the realization of this project.

This year, however, the conductor will also achieve one very important goalhow man will do well 84 years old. In more than one interview with Maurizio Costanzo, he was asked if he was thinking of leaving given his age Pension. The answer he has given so far is always the same, a sharp “no” and definitely very annoyed.

Maurizio Costanzo and Maria De Filippi: What’s happening?

Maurizio Costanzo Maria de Filippi

In fact, Maurizio Costanzo doesn’t seem to want to learn his job on the nail, continuing to offer all of its audiences one of the most popular programs of all time. In fact, everyone now knows that Maria De Filippi and Maurizio Costanzo are potential options the rulers of Italian television. How they manage to bring great pieces home whenever they work on a program.

And so we read on the piudonna page about an interview with Maurizio Costanzo in which he is asked about one thing in particular. Strictly speaking, the question is whether one day Maria DeFilippi can replace it while running his show. To the point of transforming it “Maria De Filippi Show”. And the answer?

The question is not at all welcome to the reporter, who apparently never thought of it abandon its programs. Not even leaving it in the hands of his wife, he admits a detail firmly and with conviction. “Maria does her programs very well, I don’t think she wants to do the talk show.” And thus ExplanationMaurizio Costanzo, excludes entirely the possibility that Maria De Filippi may one day take his place.

Today are the careers of Maria De Filippi and Maurizio Costanzo very consolidated in our panorama. To the point of in no way foreseeing thatinsert in programs other than the genre in which we met them.