Mauro Vieira criticizes UN failure in Middle East war

Mauro Vieira criticizes UN failure in Middle East war

The Brazilian chancellor told the Security Council that the organization had “shamefully” failed to end the conflict

Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira criticized this Monday (October 30, 2023) the delay of the UN Security Council in adopting a resolution on the conflict between Israel and Hamas, stating that the organization had “shamefully failed” to adopt a resolution End of the war.

“A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding before our eyes in which several children are dying. Since we last spoke here, more than 1,000 children have died,” Vieira said.

The Brazilian chancellor explained that since the beginning of the conflict, the council has been holding meetings and listening to speeches “without being able” to make a decision to “put an end to the human suffering in the Gaza Strip.” He said the company “has the means to do something” but is failing “repeatedly and shamefully.”

“Since October 7, we have met several times and discussed four draft resolutions, but we are still at an impasse due to internal disagreements, especially among some permanent members, and thanks to the use of the Council to achieve selfserving goals rather than goals “The protection of the civilian population is the top priority,” he said.

The emergency meeting this Monday (October 30) is a further attempt to establish measures to ensure access to humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza and to protect civilians.

Since the beginning of the war, the body has already rejected the Brazilian and North American resolutions as well as two Russian proposals. Brazil leads the collegiate until Tuesday (October 31).

“The Council’s failure to fulfill its responsibility to maintain international peace and security due to longstanding rivalries is morally unacceptable,” Vieira said.

The Chancellor also said that the international community saw the council’s “worrying inability to act” in response to the humanitarian crisis and questioned the body’s “very raison d’être”.

“The relevance of a Security Council resolution lies in the need to continue providing humanitarian assistance and ensuring safe working conditions for those involved in the rescue of hostages and the provision of humanitarian assistance,” he said.

The Brazilian representative recalled at this 2nd Council meeting (October 30) that since 2016 the Organization “has not been able to adopt a single resolution on the situation in Palestine.” He stated that the “situation in the Middle East is by far one of the most stalled issues in the Security Council.”

“This shows the ineffectiveness of the governance system and the lack of representation of certain parts of the world in this body,” he said.

“A decision on the humanitarian aspects of the current crises will certainly not correct the historic failure of the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East. However, it will prevent additional human suffering,” said the Brazilian Chancellor.

Speak Palestine

The United Nations Permanent Observer for Palestine, Riyad Mansour, praised the Brazilian initiative to restart discussion on a ceasefire proposal. He called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and recalled the deaths in Gaza since the start of the conflict.

“We don’t come from another planet. We are human beings. Show respect not in words but in actions. Do something to put an end to this crime. Demand an end to this attack,” the Palestinian representative said.

“Many of you talk about selfdefense, but if our children are killed, do we have the right to defend them? […] Do we have rights or are they the monopoly of just one side?,” he explained.

He said Palestine had already accepted the twostate solution with Israel, but the Security Council had not yet taken any action to put it into practice.

Speaks Israeli

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, wore a yellow star badge during his speech at the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council this Monday (October 30).

“From today on, every time you look at me, you will remember what it means to remain silent in the face of evil. Just like my grandparents and the grandparents of millions of Jews, my team and I will wear yellow stars from now on… until you wake up and condemn Hamas’ atrocities,” he said.

He compared the conflict with Hamas to the rise of Nazism, stating that just like the rise of Nazism, “the world is silent, deafening silence.” Erdan criticized the UN, saying the organization, founded after the Holocaust, did not act in accordance with its founding principles.