Max Payne 1 and 2 Remakes Are Coming – Rate the Launch

With the enthusiasm surrounding the game Alan Wake 2 From Remedy Entertainment, some may have forgotten that the studio promised remakes of the first two titles Max Payne. Luckily we have an interesting update!

The Remedy remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2, announced in April 2022, would be the studio’s next big releases. At least that’s what Remedy said in a financial report, noting that the project has “advanced toward production readiness.”

“We have gained clarity on the style and scope of the game and have an exceptionally well-organized team working on it. Given these achievements, we are excited about the project and its future success,” the studio added.

The production of the remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2 is a development agreement between Remedy and the Rockstar company to which we owe Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. However, since the project is still in early production stages, we’ll have to wait to find out a launch date.

Otherwise, the Remedy studio is still busy with the success of Alan Wake 2, which will receive two content expansions next year. Control 2 is still being planned, but is still in the “proof of concept” phase, so it’s still a long way from being released.