Max Pezzali at Circus Maximus and then I might as

Max Pezzali at Circus Maximus: “…and then I might as well stop” Velvet Music

It will be a season finale worthy of his thirty-year career as Max Pezzali, at the Circus Maximus for what is probably his greatest concert of all time

Out of Circus Maximus To circus max it’s a moment Max Pezzali presented today in Rome with a particularly well-attended press conference at the Campidoglio, which will surely become one of the most important live events of 2023. An extraordinary date that concludes its summer tour and, like last year’s stadium concerts, also has a large number of well-known guests.

Max Pezzali in the Circus Maximus

respect for what is not a cliché but simply his way of being, Max Pezzali He appears in the Campidoglio on his horse Harley-Davidson. Or rather… one of his. His collection is quite extensive. He has kept some with the since the beginning of his career Mauro Repetto She 883. A Sportster in particular, the first he bought with the rich proceeds from They Killed Spider-Man. He bought others, resold them and adapted them.

In Rome it presents itself with a newer model, the Enduro, very different from the very noisy models with which it liked to roam the university campus and Borgo Ticino. For him it is the first time in the City Hall of Rome…

First time at the Capitol

The concert of Pezzali for the Circus Maximus is scheduled for September 2, the only one of its summer season. It’s the same space, gigantic, where Springsteen Last Sunday it brought 60,000 people and where I genesis brought together half a million spectators at the legendary free concert in 2007. Pezzali He’s one of the few in Italy who can imagine filling an arena that can also be scary…

“I’ve played in Rome many times, almost always at the PalaEur. “It’s my first time at Campidoglio and I’m also a little excited,” says Pezzali, “It’s not every day you can talk about such an important project.” Circus Maximus is… the best! One of those things that, once you’ve done it, you might as well think about quitting the next day. Of course, after performing at San Siro, one of those things you dream of all your life, Circus Maximus is another challenge that excites me.”

Lots of friends on stage

As in the San Siro, Pezzali He doesn’t want to face the challenge alone: ​​“I wanted to involve many people who have always been close to me. Which, like Article 31, has come a long way. In the ’90s, we shared snacks, drinks, and locker rooms with them. There are Paola and Chiara, with whom I not only have many memories of the stage and on tour, but also a long friendship. And then there’s the whole gang of Albertino’s old DeeJay Time.”

A show within the show that will also participate Colapesce Dimartino, Dargen D’Amico, Sangiovanni and Lazza on a path that leads from the 90s to the present, but always following a common thread that is not only artistic but also narrative.

Pezzali, 30 year career – Credit ANSA (VelvetMusic)

“Everyone’s Big Brother”

Paula and Clare they were born with Max Pezzali I entered the stage when Mauro Repetto 883 had already left. Two o’clock Iezzi sisters, also discovered by Cecchetto, who discovered them in some Milan clubs where they performed with various cover bands, toured for two years and gave almost 100 concerts. Neck acoustic guitar and choir arrangements.

Dear Alexander, Councilor of the City of Rome for Major Events, is particularly involved in the decision to focus on Pezzali: “I was 12 when Nord Sud Ovest Est came out with them, we cried, we had fun, we fell in love, we did hoped You just can’t love Max’s songs. It’s like he’s an extra brother or a close friend. Someone who always knows how to interpret the dreams and hopes of the new generations. Which have since changed, but continue to see them as a point of reference.”

“I will not be like Jovanotti”

funny like that Max Pezzali He tells how his show will look like. More concerts or more happenings? Maybe like Jovanotti? “Nope – he scoffs – I am and will remain a forced man, a Tamarro like when we debuted with Mauro Repetto. It will be a big but simple thing. People like me always think if I can do it, anyone can do it.”

Rome It’s been his city for a long time, where he got married and started a family: “I really love to ride my motorcycle around the city. I like to look at it from the Gianicolo terrace, walk up to the Zodiac and take my time to think. I learned here that you have no control over many things. So you can’t solve them. In Rome I learned to say “Sticazzi”. Here I even made friends with a wild boar that waited for me in front of the house every evening, staring at me and waiting for a greeting.”