An unusual video by a Mexican mayor has gone viral on social media. Romina Contreras, mayor of the city of Huixquilucan, inaugurated a construction site and got wet when she opened a valve in the area’s new water system.
The Mexican community has completed work on the Pozo de Hacienda del Ciervo to improve the population’s water system. According to the mayor, the investment will increase water supply and water pressure in residential areas.
She believes the work will benefit at least a thousand families in the city. Contreras said: “We are moving further towards sustainable water supply and are becoming more independent from the Cutzamala system.”
On the day of the inauguration, the town hall of a municipality in the Mexico volunteered to take part in the ceremony.
However, when Romina Contreras tried to open the valve of the water system, the blue side pipes of the pipeline started leaking a lot of water and everyone around her, including herself, was flooded.
The video of the remarkable moment was shared on all social networks. In the sequel, it can be seen that the mayoress managed the situation with ease and good humor: she even tried to dry herself as best as possible before proceeding with the inauguration of the new water system in Huixquilucan.
Another funny part of the situation is that everyone, drenched themselves, took part in the photos of the event and proceeded with the celebration of a project that will bring myriad benefits to the Mexican city.
Comments by Romina Contreras on social media
The video of the opening moment was shared on tick tock, on Instagram and other official networks by Romina Contreras with the caption: “Gajes del oficio”, or in the popular Portuguese translation: “Ossos do ofício”. The release of Instagram de Contreras has more than three hundred comments.
One follower commented, “I think someone is going to lose their job today.” Another person said the mayor showed real leadership in the way she handled the unusual situation.