1687615598 Mayotte expansion of the operation quotWuambashuquot proves that quotThe republic

Mayotte: expansion of the operation "Wuambashu" proves that "The republic does not surrender"greets MEP Estelle Youssouffa

A few hours before his trip to Mayotte, the Interior Minister announced the expansion of this operation to fight crime, unsanitary housing and illegal immigration. Gérald Darmanin reiterates that the government “will continue to provide resources”.

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Published on 06/24/2023 10:54

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Estelle Youssouffa, Liot MP for the 1st constituency of Mayotte, at the National Assembly on November 22, 2022. (MYLENE DEROCHE / MAXPPP)

Estelle Youssouffa, Liot MP for the 1st constituency of Mayotte, at the National Assembly on November 22, 2022. (MYLENE DEROCHE / MAXPPP)

The extension of the “Wuambushu” operation announced by the Minister of the Interior shows that “the Republic in Mayotte is not surrendering”, greeted Estelle Youssouffa, Liot MP for the 1st district of Mayotte, on Saturday 24 June on franceinfo. Launched two months ago, the campaign to combat unsanitary housing, illegal immigration and crime was due to end at the end of June.

To justify his extension, Gérald Darmanin presented flattering results in Figaro’s columns, praised on franceinfo by Estelle Youssouffa. For the MP, this operation allowed for a “significant law enforcement presence” in the 101st French department, which helped “restore calm”.

Estelle Youssouffa therefore assures that “the violence in Mayotte has decreased” and that the residents “have been able to reclaim the public space left to the gangs”. The Home Secretary announces that “of the 57 gang leaders initially identified, 47 have been arrested and brought to justice”. While welcoming the increased presence of police and gendarmes on the ground, MP Liot now demands that “justice must be put on an equal footing with crime and violence committed by criminals”.

“We know our law enforcement agencies have done their job, we want justice to follow.”

Estelle Youssouffa

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The Mahoran elected official particularly regrets that the penalties against criminals are “often lenient”. “We need those who sow terror to go to prison for a long time,” she adds.

Estelle Youssouffa also estimates the number of “illegal” apartments in Mayotte at “approximately 50,000”. She therefore considers the “question of the slums to be crucial” and denounces the illegal occupation “of private or public land with dangerous, unhealthy constructions, the destruction of which is capital”. If the government aims to destroy thousands of unsanitary shacks, MP Liot says that number is “frustrating” given the scale of the phenomenon. “This part of the slums is at the heart of the problem, they are areas of lawlessness that serve as havens for criminal gangs, they are thoroughfares,” denounced the elected official.

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