Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Media law benefits owners, viewed in Uruguay

The day before, the Industrial, Energy and Mining Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved an initiative to repeal current media legislation passed in December 2014 during the presidency of José Mujica of the FA.

Regarding the vote, the PIT-CNT representative table considered the bill undemocratic “because of the way it was discussed and because its content limits the participation of organized civil society.”

A statement from the Trade Union Center assures that the project is a concentrator because it “allows a handful of capital groups linked to the highest political and economic power to continue to own the majority of the media in our country “.

The statement said the new legislation “allows media owners not to pay a single peso for the use of the radio spectrum,” which it considers the property of all Uruguayans.

He accuses the government of giving the audiovisual media more than $20 million, not counting the advertising it commissions.

“With the election campaign approaching and the granting of favors to friends of the government led by Luis Lacalle Pou, it is difficult to see anything other than an advance payment for election advertising,” the statement said, describing it as “another delivery of.” to pass on the Uruguayan heritage to private companies and multinational corporations.

The trade union movement rejects these attempts at privatization and capitulation and reaffirms the defense of our public companies as a fundamental bastion for the development of the country and Uruguayans, the text concludes.
