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Media: Parliamentary elections in Serbia will be partially repeated

Three days after the parliamentary elections in Serbia, which, according to election observers, were marked by irregularities, the electoral commission announced a repeat of the vote in 30 polling stations where results had not yet been determined. This will happen on December 30, according to a statement released today by state television broadcaster RTS.

Citizens in rural areas are particularly affected by repeated elections. In total, there are more than 8,000 polling stations in Serbia. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic won a landslide victory in parliamentary and local elections on Sunday. There have been protests in recent days, with thousands of people gathering in front of the electoral commission in Belgrade.

According to results published by the electoral commission, Vucic's right-wing populist Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) received 46.7 percent of the vote, while the loose opposition Serbian Alliance Against Violence received 23.5 percent.

Reports of series of “irregularities”

Criticism of the elections increased after an international observation mission on Monday reported a series of “irregularities” during the elections, including cases of violence, vote buying and stuffing of ballot boxes with fraudulent ballot papers.