Mediation is failing in the USA "switch off" is closer

AGI – The hard line from Republican Party Law takes precedence over the mediation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy. After a few tentative positive signals in the late morning, the ice-cold shower now follows. The attempt to find a compromise that would push back the deadline for ensuring federal funding is covered by a month failed in the afternoon.

Including spending cuts in the text and providing funds to secure the southern border with Mexico were not enough to reach an agreement. There are now less than two days left in which Congress must find a solution to prevent a government budget shutdown that has not happened since 2019 and resulted in a pay freeze for millions of federal workers, including more than a million would lead American soldiers. The representatives of the right, led by the Trumpian Matt Gaetzreiterated that they would not vote on a text guaranteeing coverage until October 31st.

I am dramatic hours in Washington. In these minutes, House Republicans have gathered in a room in the Capitol to find a solution that threatens to overwhelm conservatives accused of putting millions of people in trouble in their fight against the President of the United States to continue Joe Biden. According to CNN, McCarthy told his team that “there wouldn’t be many ways to avoid the shutdown.”

Blaming the White House seems difficult: in recent polls, two out of three Americans say conservatives are responsible for the possible shutdown. Criticism of the hard wing representatives came from within the party. Dusty Johnston, Republican of South Dakota, said of the 21 opponents of the compromise: “They will soon understand that saying no to a bill that guarantees spending cuts and safer borders will not make them more reliable in the future.” However, the plan had none great chance of being approved by the Senate with a Democratic majority, precisely because of the spending cuts that affected the middle class and the most vulnerable groups.

An agreement must be reached by midnight on Saturday, which becomes more and more distant as time goes on. According to economists interviewed by American media, a short shutdown that freezes salaries and blocks a range of administrative services, from licensing to opening public parks, will not slow the American economy significantly, not enough to keep it in to drive a recession, but a longer period of time would have devastating impact on accounts.

House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries accused Republicans of unleashing an “internal civil war,” while Senate progressive leader Chuck Schumer pointed the finger at Speaker McCarthy’s “weakness,” i.e. the president the Republican in the House of Representatives and the one who should maintain control of the party but who emerges reduced from this most important battle in which he has been involved since his election in January 2021 on January 15, 2021 ballot, at the head of the House of Representatives.

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