Meloni in Istanbul, summit with Erdogan

The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is at the Vahdettin Palace, one of the presidential residences in Istanbul, for a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan. No press releases from the two heads of state or government are expected.

According to Palazzo Chigi, the prime minister took a walk in the city's bazaar in the morning. During his visit to the Grand Bazaar, the largest and oldest market in Istanbul, Meloni, surrounded by escort officers, was applauded by various shopkeepers and passersby. “How are you, is everything okay?” said the Prime Minister to some of them, who greeted her in Italian: “Do you live here?” “No, in France, but we always come to Italy,” a man answered her. “And come back,” was the invitation from the Prime Minister, who also stopped at Havuzulu, a historic Ottoman restaurant, during her visit to the market.

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