1697921095 Meloni to Netanyahu Fight anti Semitism today like yesterday Africa

Meloni to Netanyahu: “Fight anti Semitism today like yesterday” Africa Ansa.it

“I am pleased to be here. I found it very important to come here in person to express the solidarity of the Italian government and the Italian people and to tell you that the images we have seen are unbelievable to us about what happened.” two weeks. They show more than just a war, they show a desire to wipe out the Jews from this region and it is an act of anti-Semitism. And we must fight it, today as yesterday.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this when addressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the meeting in Tel Aviv.

“We defend Israel’s right to exist, to defend the security of its citizens. We absolutely understand that this is an act of terrorism that must be combated. We think and believe that you are capable of doing this in the best possible way, because we are different from these terrorists.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this when addressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the meeting in Tel Aviv turned.

Meloni to Netanyahu Fight anti Semitism today like yesterday Africa

Giorgia Meloni and Benjamin Netanyahu

“We must defeat this barbarism: it is a battle between the forces of civilization and barbaric monsters who have killed, maimed, raped, beheaded and burned innocent people. This is a test, a test of civilization. And we will win them.” This is what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Giorgia Meloni when they met in Tel Aviv, thanking her for “coming in these dark times.” “We expect all countries that fought against ISIS to fight against Hamas,” he concluded.

“After attending the peace summit in Cairo, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni traveled to Israel to deliver a message of solidarity and closeness from Italy following the tragic terrorist attack by Hamas against defenseless civilians on October 7th,” this was reported in a note from Palazzo Chigi. “The conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was an opportunity to learn about the situation and take stock in the light of the Cairo Conference,” the statement said. “The Prime Minister reiterated Israel’s full right to defend itself.” To defend international law and live in peace, stressed the importance of ensuring humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip and a prospect of peace for the region.

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Meloni Abu Mazen

“From the way the attack took place, I get the impression that Hamas’ goal was to “force Israel into a response against Gaza that would create an unbridgeable gap between Arab countries, Israel and the West “would endanger the peace.” all citizens involved, including those who supposedly want to defend it.” This was said by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the peace summit in Cairo. “The target – he added – is all of us, and it would be very, very stupid to fall into this trap.”

For Meloni, “the terrible attack by Hamas has hit defenseless civilians with an unprecedented brutality that shocks us and which, in our view, it is right to condemn unequivocally.” “It is in the interests of all the leaders at this table,” he continued, “that what is happening in Gaza does not escalate into a larger conflict, a war of religion and civilization that undermines the efforts of the last “We are very worried about the fate of the hostages, there are also Italians there, we demand the immediate release of the hostages.”

A bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Palestinian President Abu Mazen took place on the sidelines of the peace summit in Cairo. At the end, the Prime Minister met with the press and emphasized that “above all, a Dialogue work between Western countries and Arab countries“We defend Israel’s right to exist and defend ourselves. In these images of “the Hamas attacks” there was an anti-Semitism that existed long before the Israeli-Palestinian question. “We have to set a clear timetable,” he continued, “otherwise we risk a temporary solution and if a structural solution is not found, it becomes a cyclical problem.” Leaders must be there in these moments. Already The opening of the Rafah border crossing is a concrete result. Baby steps by baby steps.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni arrived at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv and was greeted by Italian Ambassador to Israel Sergio Barbanti.

Speech by Giorgia Meloni

“We must do the impossible to prevent the crisis from escalating, to avoid losing control of this crisis, because the consequences would be unimaginable. The most serious way to do this is a political initiative for a structural solution based on the perspective of two peoples and two States, a solution that must be concrete and have a defined time frame,” the Prime Minister concluded and affirmed , that “a state has the full right of claim in the face of actions such as those of Hamas.” its right to defense, to existence, to the security of its citizens and borders. But a state’s reaction can and must never be motivated by feelings of revenge.”

“We are facing an unprecedented crisis that requires absolute attention. That is why I have called on you to work together on a new roadmap that will put an end to the humanitarian crisis.” He said it Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Address to the heads of state and government at the opening of the international peace summit in Cairo. Al-Sisi stressed the need to “enter negotiations that pave the way for a two-state solution.”

“We strongly condemn the attacks, killings or intimidation of any civilians,” he added. We renew our opposition to the forced relocation of Palestinians. Anyone who thinks that the Palestinian people want to leave their country is wrong.”

For the Egyptian president, “we must prevent the spread of the conflict, which could threaten the stability of the region, and restart the peace process. We need a return to the negotiating table for a ceasefire and the application of the two-state solution, which exist peacefully side by side in accordance with international law.

“One by one, Egyptians are opposing the idea of ​​liquidating the Palestinian cause. This will never happen at the expense of Egypt,” he added. “This region is destined to live in conflict forever? Isn’t this the time to find a solution?


Palestinian President Abu Mazen He reiterated: “We will never leave our country” and stressed: “We want to express that we are against and denounce the killing of civilians on both sides and call for the release of hostages on both sides.” “The Palestinians – He added – are facing the aggression and hostility of the Israeli army, which violates the principles of international law and targets hospitals, schools, civilian refuge centers and homes. We condemn the danger of evacuating civilians from homes and from the West.” Bank and Jerusalem, we will never accept it. From day one we have asked for this barbaric aggression to be stopped and for humanitarian corridors to be opened to allow aid to enter the Gaza Strip, but the Government of Israel has not allowed this. “

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reported that in Rafah “I saw a humanitarian catastrophe. Across the border there are two million people, including children, who need help. I am grateful to Egypt for the role it has played and call for a humanitarian ceasefire.” He then stressed that “the rights of Palestinians are legitimate” and that “a two-state solution” is needed.

“It is time to put an end to this nightmare that threatens children,” Guterres added. “The people of Gaza must do more to provide humanitarian assistance. It is necessary to apply international law and avoid attacks on civilians, schools and hospitals.”

The two-state formula was also supported by the King Abdallah II of Jordan: “What Israel is doing in Gaza are war crimes, and the only solution is to recognize Palestine as its country. Attacking churches and killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank is collective punishment, a war crime. Like even the siege it imposes.” Hunger weighs on the civilian population and deprives them of basic needs, such as the internal or external resettlement of Palestinians. Furthermore, it creates the impression that the application of international laws is optional. Finally, we recognize the danger of a sectarian war. The only solution is to recognize Palestine as a separate territory under international law,” concluded Abdallah II.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is also taking part in the summit in Cairo. She arrived in Egypt this morning and was welcomed at the airport by the Italian Ambassador to Egypt, Michele Quaroni, and Egyptian Trade Minister Hazem al-Beblawi.

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