Men and women, Chiara Rabbi reveals her “plans”: "The best revenge…"

Men and women, Chiara Rabbi unveils hers

In the last few hours, former admirer of men and women Chiara Rabbi has taken to social media to reveal that…

In the past few days he has talked a lot about an answer to this the former admirer of men and women Chiara Rabbi had given a user on social networks:

Also Read: Men and Women, Chiara Rabbi’s Confession: “You Killed Me”

I have no desire and no imagination to think as a couple! Honestly I’m empty and exhausted, I have nothing left to give and I don’t even expect to receive, I take things too seriously and that’s why in a relationship I try and want the best and now I would give -100. At that moment I would just be courted harshly, I would certainly appreciate it but maybe not everyone can or wants to.

An answer that seemed more than “normal” to many after the separation – and associated rumors and indiscretions – with the former tronista of men and women Davide Donadei. In recent weeks, the two have also guest-starred on an episode of the reboot of dating show Canale Cinque to tell the ending of their love story. On this occasion it was also questioned Roberta of Padua due to some rumors about an alleged flirtation between her and Davide Donadei.

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However, after the confrontation, the lady received a proposal from a knight, Alessandro Vicinanza. It stayed in the program and officially returned to the women’s parterre. Instead of this what Chiara Rabbi has revealed on social media in the last few hours?

Men and women, Chiara Rabbi lets herself go and admits that…

In the last few hours, former admirer of men and women Chiara Rabbi shared her evening with her fans on social media. Spent with her dear friend and former Canale Cinque beau Camilla Mangiapelo. And by immortalizing a toast from them, he wrote a sentence that seemed so to many a veiled ‘dig’ to what happened to Davide Donadei. Here’s what we read:

My father always told me: The best revenge is happiness.

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