Men and women Chias opinion on the episode from 102323

Men and women: Chia’s opinion on the episode from 10/23/23

Yes, I know, certain scenes should be a lot more common given the caliber of this studio’s patrons. Yes, I also know that he was able to directly avoid hosting them on his shows (sometimes for years, among other things. And of course not every reference is pure coincidence…), certain artichokes, which gives them a lot of undeserved visibility.

But what the heck, this shiver that comes over me every time Queen Mary giving us one of his angry feelings remains priceless.

Today it was enough for her to tell an anecdote about it the famous reports about Cristian Forti and his (ex?) girlfriend which had made the rounds the day after the release of the new Tronistas’ presentation clips to destroy him and put an end to the RIDICULOUS pantomime that the Tronista had been performing for about ten minutes – with the embarrassing assistance of his worthy snack companion (literally meaning of the word given the age…) Brando Ephrikian – He mocked someone who was too sincere Virginia Adegniguilty of kissing a boy she had known since May during a night out with friends the evening after her first ever outdoor fight with the Roman.

Christian, you and I called each other around 11 p.m. one evening at the end of August because your ex-girlfriend had written on the Internet that you went on vacation with her and kissed her. From which pulpit does the sermon come? Christian? I trusted you who told me there was nothing. Why don’t you trust her who didn’t even know you? If you like it, continue, if not, delete it. But not Othellobecause what are we talking about?”.

Of course, correctness is a very valuable quality, in real life as in Elios. And if a girl spontaneously decides to go to men and women to woo a boy, it is desirable that in the meantime she does not accidentally stick her tongue into third body orifices. Virginia So he could definitely do without that lemon, that’s for sure. But there is a but. In fact, there are so many that it’s up to the poor, pointlessly angry Tronista to give a quick summary.

First, the timing of this move made me laugh Strong To Virginia. Because I would have found it too much anyway that all the trouble would have seemed excessive for a girl who has seen everything in her life for an hour. But the fact that she arrived immediately after seeing him making out with two such fun people in a row, one of whom had just arrived, was wonderful. And no, joy, it’s not that “it’s different” because she did it outside and you did it inside, or even less because you’re the tronista and she’s the admirer. Respect regardless of location or role, and certain scenes are NEVER pleasant to watch (or imagine). And instead of appealing to the “program that works that way” because it’s convenient to have an excuse to blurt it all out, maybe we should put ourselves in the other person’s shoes every now and then…

Second, Virginia he could have denied it, tried to turn things around, sworn falsely about deceased relatives (yes, that happened there too…). Instead, he immediately admitted everything, with the utmost calm, and explained clearly how things went. And I would have understood if, after weeks of external events, seasoned with important words and/or gestures, he had organized a tête-à-tête, crowned by four jumps in the pan with another, but after HALF AN HOUR this bastard scored the Tronista, she stayed with friends and ended up kissing a boy she was already dating and who she also broke up with immediately because she realized that she was more interested in the aforementioned Tronista than him interested. That doesn’t seem like a big shame to me, insurmountable, eh.

Thirdly, I know that the Menedonian sailors like to believe in fairy tales, and I’m sorry to ruin their angelic view of the situation, but there were people (and not even a few) who praised crazy love while they were in there and the fancy fans go wild, the light poles outside are also bombing, but are we really condemning a twenty-year-old for ONE kiss? It is not the case that certain mistakes are less valuable just because there are those who have done worse things. That’s clear, but don’t even pretend to come from the soap mountain, that’s all.

What emerges from this episode is a decidedly bleak cross-section of the Italian man.

Or they are oxen cuckolding donkeys Christian or Alessio Pili Stellawho still insisted that “a month has passed” since he made out with two, and that lemons obviously have a bit of a statute of limitations, considering that a Claudia Lenti Behaving the way he did today (quote) was not allowed (and now I definitely expect them to leave the program together shortly after that kiss in the study center, eh, otherwise they’re two ridiculous idiots for whom half is enough , considering that the Marrons have infected us for weeks with their jealousy tactics that don’t even exist in high school!), or they are completely crazy (like this). Marco Attanasio who he still wanted to date Claudia “I’m fine too out of spite!”) or they have the touch of an elephant (like Brando that after the sensitive confessions of Silvia Criscuolo The only thing he could think about was making out.)

The only one I’m saving at the moment is this one Mark Anthony who, if it is true that he had made other acquaintances, now only wants to concentrate on him Emanuela. A small ray of hope amidst the discomfort, but now it’s time to change your mind…

Ps. But how disgusting are people who abandon a dog just because “he’s gotten too old”? But you didn’t deserve such pure and selfless love before, trust aunt. In my opinion, after this mess, some people shouldn’t even be allowed to have other animals. Are you sorry? Here you can do it yourself without breaking anyone else’s heart.

When it comes to waiting, I always trust in karma and someone leaving you when you are “too old,” “ugly,” or “too demanding.” Wth the heart.

Video from the episode: Whole episode – Maria: “Alessio, who are you dancing with?” And you Claudia?” – Alessio and Claudia: the kiss – Claudia: “I say about Marco…” – Marco Antonio and… “the chemistry” – Outside view of Cristian and Virginia – Cristian: “Virginia, you kissed someone else!” – Appearance of Brando and Silvia – Brando and Silvia: the comparison – Tina’s proverbs – Adopt a friend: Pepper