Men and women Chias opinion on the episode from March

Men and women: Chia’s opinion on the episode from March 11, 2023

Based on the assumption that those who hang out men and women They are ALL thirsty for visibility and absolutely inclined to “run the show” (but absolutely everyone, er, from first to last). Otherwise, to meet new people they went to the city bar rather than the gym, like outside the Elios people…) we have seen very few whiteflies there over the years – and most of them were caused by the Lameness at the end dirty (quote), so that in the end they weren’t even that know anymore… – today I absolutely have to come out: if this continues, I will end up being a childMarcoV. Then I said it.

Yes, I know, it’s theatrical, sometimes embarrassing and completely wrong. Yes, I also know that it is a Paraclex of biblical dimensions. And yes, of course I also know that his interest in finding a girlfriend is directly proportional to my interest in dieting. But EXACTLY BECAUSE the cleanest person in the middle has the problem that WELCOME is with those who at least fill the program’s garbage quota. And especially those who don’t try to set a tone for themselves when they end up being just as bad as everyone around them.

Why Marco Viola it will be what it will be, let alone. But I don’t think anyone who points the finger is better off. Away Claudia Lenti, who is so damn convinced that she’s a stork that she doesn’t even realize that it’s her ego that’s pushing her to raise her little hand to step in and show the world how much better she is than everyone others Otherwise it makes them do great things. FigureMMMè. But really sensational, right?

Like in today’s episode, as in the moment of trashy gifts from Marco To Roberta Di Padua And Barbara De Santi and of the resulting clumsy attempt to pick up the threads of knowledge again Robertona, Claudia He really felt the need to interrupt her to tell us that “You didn’t tell me anything bad about it.” Roberta. You spoke very badly to me about it!”. Who knows what unspeakable insults he expected to come out of his mouth, who knows what dirty anecdotes he thought he had told her… And instead he said, “But who does he think he is?” She is one beautiful woman, but how she treats men!’. He said all sorts of things. He said he liked the aesthetic but didn’t like the character at all!”. Uuuuuh, incredible!

And since what goes around comes around, in the end it was the one who picked it up Claudia. Who wanted to put that? viola (out of pure perfidy, eh. Because if she were so happy and content with the “butterflies in her stomach” that she supposedly feels for Alessio Pili Stella What did she care if she chose people who weren’t even her business anymore?), but in the end she just shot herself in the foot with joy.

Because at that point, after I heard that lenses He described his former rival as “wrong, very wrong.” “You like being in front of cameras!” he said Alexei asking her (rightly) about the “tempting” kiss that took place at the disco Marco just a few hours before he made out in the studio. “Do you want to explain to me how you managed to keep going out, sending him flowers, and kissing him like that? How did you manage to betray yourself in this way to a person you considered false?”

How tender, people who think they’re so damn smarter than others, but then get wrapped up in their own hands at the first unexpected event. The most shocking moment was when Alexei he told her that with the story of the lemon he risked “going crazy,” and Claudia she exclaimed quite pompously, “but I wanted to drive you crazy!” You had to go crazy, you had to show that reaction!” In fact, there is a complete reason for it Marco who said: “Until now you only took advantage of our relationship to get to him and kiss him.”

And above all: what if she hadn’t intervened? Maria De Filippi to make them dance Alexeithem with this “wrong, very wrong!” By Marco She would go out again and again. Until Alexei She didn’t accept his high school bad girl act.

However, I expect Monday’s episode to begin with the unbridled outburst of Raffaella Scuotto thereafter Brando Ephrikian He went to the locker room to get some explanations Beatriz D’Orsi, hmm. Because after her rival left the studio, we saw her boldly hugging the Tronista and thinking she had won. So where did all the incredible fire that animated her go when she discovered this? Beatriz had she come back to take over the scene?

Video from the episode: Full episode – Maurizio: “I kissed Elena, but I have to understand…” – Elena and Maurizio: the hug – The acquaintance between Silvio and Gabriella – Marco and the “peace offering” – Claudia: “Roberta? Marco, you said about her…” – Marco: “Claudia, you used me…” – Roberta’s two of spades – Mario’s acquaintances – Brando and Beatriz’s appearance – Brando and Beatriz’ return