The two ladies never got along and things haven’t changed since the days of men and women. In an interview with Isabella Ricci to talk about her upcoming wedding to Fabio Mantovani, the ex-lady made a very candid comment about Gemma Galgani.
Isabella Ricc she left men and women Last December after I found love: Fabio Mantovani. The two are still together and have a beautiful relationship that is even said to be crowned soon wedding.
In a recent interview with Nuovo magazine, the ex-lady opened up about her love story, but between one question and another we missed one too dig very directly at the address of jewel Galganiwith which Isabella They never got along, not even at the time of the dating show channel Five.
Isabella Ricci on Gemma Galgani: an example not to be followed
An interview that not only told of the happiness of the born couple men and womenconsisting of Isabella Ricc and Fabio Mantovaniand the preparations for their upcoming wedding: in fact, between the pages of Nuovo there was also room for a number of digs anything but reading started by the ex-lady against jewel Galgani.
Isabella Ricc He actually said a lot of his own love story with the ex-knight she left the dating show with channel Fivebut she didn’t even spare herself the former rival:
His presence in the program must be there to remind everyone what should not be: that is the purpose of his presence…
Isabella Ricci: Gemma acts like a child
It’s not over yet, because other issues need to be addressed Isabella Ricc They continued to relate jewel Galgani.
When asked what mistake the Turin native made, who has been with Men and Women for years without being able to find the right knight to write a love story with, she replied: Isabella Ricc he answered again very frankly:
As he faces reality, he bursts into tears. Unfortunately acts like a little girlsince his heart always starts in fourth place…