No seriously, but put yourself in the shoes of someone who was casually zapping attuned to men and women at three o’clock in the afternoon today and heard an old man in sunglasses talk about fondling a lady in his seventies, to then to see the aforementioned 70+ lady taking off her shoe and putting her sausage leg in an 800 denier stocking, on the knee of her grandfather in sunglasses giving her a foot massage…
I’m on a diet, a very strict diet, but I swear watching the first 30/40 minutes of today’s episode is enough for me to never be hungry again. I would almost patent this method of losing weight fast, I’m sure it would be very effective for a large segment of the population.
And by the way, if you think it’s over here, you’re badly mistaken because, SPOILER ALERT, the very wet kiss will soon arrive between the two and that’s where my hunger pangs will go away for good.
What can it be *gagging* to start a foot massage while eating dinner? That is, as much as the room could be reserved for me *gags* at the thought of someone touching my feet and then maybe later putting their hands on the napkin they’re wiping their mouth with.
And the waitress who stupidly came in to bring the fruit and faced the scene in the opening image? In her place I would demand an additional payment, compensation, damages, I imagine her waking up in a sweat and screaming if she relives the scene at night.
Anyway that Silvio He apparently has the pathong passion of his more illustrious namesake, talks like Cummenda and has more connections behind him than hair on his head. gems To be honest she doesn’t seem that fond of me, in short we’ve seen her devalued by people who looked at her a lot less but how long has that been going on Galgy wasn’t more than half an hour reserved in the study center with trashy curtains hung? Well, if this soft porn will continue to guarantee space for the over 70s, we won’t be surprised if we soon move from foot massage simulation to more extreme simulations.
Luca Daffre new Tronista, boh. He’s a handsome boy, I really like him purely on an aesthetic level, but the fact remains that he’s participated in about 800 programs (former admirer of the you were bornshipwrecked on the island, tempter at temptation) and I HAVE NO MEMORIES OF HIM ie he made the island last year, I should have fresh memories in my head and instead nothing, cosmic emptiness.
From this I conclude that the boy is a bit anonymous, or at least he is in my eyes. BUT in the end Men and Women is a special context, you don’t have to have a specific content or be a speaker or a person with a specific character, you create a beautiful throne for men and women if you are lucky enough to meet a person you like you really and then you know the male thrones have always been carried forward by women and so good Luca Daff must hope to catch a joker among the girls who will go down for him which I hope too because we have to get to get there in May and there with a vaguely mandatory throne would be desirable. After all, if we look at his most famous exes viz Sophie Codegoni And Oriana Marzoli, roughly speaking, he should tend to at least not target saggy girls, in short.
For a throne starting we have instead Frederick Nicotera thanks suasignoradellatvQueenMary has finally arrived at the epilogue and theoretically the next episode we will see on the air (besides the sequel to today’s) should be the one of choice.
My idea for the choice has been the same since October, but there is no point in staying here to repeat and explain it, because by that time next week we would already have the last chapter and it would be worth commenting directly . The only thing I know is that a suitor, precisely in the role of the suitor, without who knows what eloquence to embroider on it, to the person that both men and women don’t know much about, I really haven’t for days liked from Natalia comparisonsand instead Carola Carpanelli this year made me curious to follow a young throne. Out of Natalia To Carola It’s been about 4 years so if having a new suitor who will catch my attention is going to take me that much, we’ll have to wait at least until 2027, I’m ready.
video of the episode: Full episode – Silvio’s ingenuity – Gemma: “Massage and kisses with Silvio!” – Gemma and Silvio: the beginning of a story? – Luca: the first words – Alice: “Federico, I am convinced that you will choose Carola!” – Carola: “I have a strong feeling for Federico” – Gianni: “Carola, are you afraid of not being the choice ?