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Mental health and work: up to 55 days of lost productivity per year

Mental health has a direct impact on workplace productivity: 26% of people choose wellbeing support over a pay rise.

This emerges from the monthly TELUS Mental Health Index published on Wednesday. First of all, you should know that people suffering from depression or anxiety can lose up to 55 working days of productivity per year.

“Employee well-being and business success are closely linked. By first investing in tools, processes and comprehensive benefit plans that promote a safe and psychologically caring workplace, the employer builds a productive and engaged workforce that delivers good results. said Juggy Sihota, Director of the Growth Office at TELUS Health.

For the majority of employees, supporting their well-being plays more than just a psychological role. As a result, they consider dental care (51%), prescription medications (47%) and vision care (32%) to be the most important aspects of their benefits plan.

“Although mental health scores are far from optimal, employees understand that financial well-being and mental health are closely linked and that overall well-being is about more than just salary,” said Paula Allen, Global Head, Research and Customer Insights at TELUS Health.

She said employers should seize the opportunity to respond to their employees’ needs and offer them “real-time resources and support that go beyond financial considerations to boost morale and retain the best candidates.”