The expectation is growing for them Message of Our Lady of Medjugorje. In the meantime, the faithful can entrust themselves to the prayer of Pope Francis at the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Russia and Ukraine. But one can also think about the words he confided to Mirjana on March 18th. “Dear children! With motherly love, I invite you to look to my Son with all your strength, faith and trust. Open your heart to him and do not be afraid. For my Son is the light of the world and in Him there is peace and hope ‘ was his message.
He then renewed the invitation to pray for those who do not know the love of Jesus: “That my Son may enlighten their hearts with his light of love and hope, and to you, my children, may he strengthen you and give you peace and hope. I’m with you. Thank you for responding to my call. Now, however, a new embrace is expected with the message of today, March 25th. (Adj. by Silvana Palazzo)
I look forward to knowing them Message of Our Lady of Medjugorjemore importantly with the war ravaging Ukraine we are relying on what has been delivered in the last few days Ivan Dragigevic right in the village of Medjugorje. “She came to us at a time of great suffering. It was the time when Communism was at its peak, causing the riot of nations, depriving human dignity and causing the massacre of innocents, including religious and clergy,” the seer explained.
He also revealed that the Queen of Peace She said her son Jesus sent her to help us. “Peace, peace and only peace. May there be peace in the world; Peace reigns in everyone’s heart. There must be peace between God and people and between all people, is the message summed up in the words of Our Lady of Medjiugorje. Words that must echo in the hearts of all believers, sadness and despair at what is happening in Ukraine. But we must be aware of one very important thing: “God hears our cry; He is our peace”. (Adj. by Silvana Palazzo)
The new message of Our Lady of Medjugorje arrives today today March 25th on the day the church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciationbut especially with the Pope who will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as an act of devotion to invoke peace. In short, an important day for the faithful from all over the world who, in dark times like these, await even more the message of Our Lady of Medjugorje, with the light of faith that accompanies the dramatic existence of millions of people who directly the “repugnant war” as he defined it Pope Francis at the Angelus last Sunday.
As always, the message of Our Lady of Medjugorje and the intention of the Gospa entrusted to the seer are expected for this evening Maria Pavlovic after the mysterious and unfathomable monthly appearance: just a month ago, the day after Russia invaded Ukrainethe Madonna of Medjugorje he chose these words for the world prayer: “Dear children! I am with you and we pray together. Children help me with prayer lest satan overpower. His power of death, hatred and fear has visited the earth. Therefore, little children, return to God, to prayer, fasting and renunciation for all those who are trampled upon, poor and without God have no voice in this world Little children, if you do not return to God and His commandments, you have no future. That’s why he sent me to guide you. Thank you for responding to my call ».
with the act of consecration by Pope Francis chosen to hand over to the Blessed Mother the burden and burden of interceding with the conscience and freedom of those involved in war to cease hostilities immediately: “I invite all communities and all believers to join me on Friday the 25th so that she, the Queen of Peace, may obtain peace for the world”, he announced to theSunday Angelus the Holy Father. Request for conversion, prayer, fasting and offerings to God have always been the “conditions emerging from the Medjugorje message, not least in these times of deep dismay at a war on Europe’s doorstep.
As the Gospa herself explained to the other visionary of Medjugorje at the annual apparition, Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo one apparition per year, on her birthday, March 18 «With motherly love, I invite you to look to my Son with strength, faith and trust. Open your hearts to Him and do not fear. For my Son is the light of the world and in Him is peace and hope. That is why I keep inviting you to pray for My children who do not know the love of My Son, so that My Son, with the light of His love and hope, also enlighten their hearts and strengthen you, My children, and give you peace and hope . I’m with you”.
The Unity of Our Lady with the Peace of Christ I am the only real “tool” capable of overcoming the evil that has been pouring out so violently for a month: “War is also a sacrilege because it goes against the sanctity of human life, especially the defenseless one human life that needs to be respected and protected, not eliminated, and that comes before any strategy! Let us not forget: it is cruelty, inhumane and outrageous! Let’s pray in silence for those who are suffering,” says Pope Francis.