1685107108 Mexico announces zero impunity for women rapists CMKX Radio

Mexico announces zero impunity for women rapists | CMKX Radio Bayamo

Mexico announces zero impunity for women rapists CMKX Radio

Mexico City-. Mexico has declared that there is no impunity for those who rape women, members of the Inter-Agency Strategy Group against Violence (GIEV) said in a joint statement today.

The GIEV is composed of the Head of Public Security Rosa Icela Rodríguez, the President of the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) Nadine Gasman and the President of the National Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Violence Against Women (Conavim) Fabiola Alanís extended meeting to analyze the results of the April work.

Inmujeres President Nadine Gasman warned that adolescent pregnancy in Mexico remains a structural problem and that they are therefore working on a coordinated institutional strategy to prevent it.

He said they have invested more than 433 million pesos (about $24 million) in more than 150 projects to combat female rape, including unwanted pregnancies, reducing the fertility rate among youths aged 15 to 15 by nearly eight percent has fallen for 19 years.

Fabiola Alanís Sámano, President of Conavim, pointed out that on May 8th in Quintana Roo, the first National Forum for Analysis and Context Units on Combating Feminicidal Violence was held with the aim of assigning the process of creating and implementing a national guide start these units.

He added that the main reason for these efforts is to help improve the investigation of cases of femicide and other types of crime related to gender-based violence.

The federal official stressed that in the first quarter of 2023, only 25 percent of violent deaths of women under the femicide protocol had been investigated. A comparison between federal agencies, he said, allows us to see the deep disparities in investigating the violent deaths of women.