Mexico intercepts nearly 1000 Cuban immigrants in four days

Mexico intercepts nearly 1,000 Cuban immigrants in four days

The National Migration Institute (INM) reported that it intercepted 5,688 illegal immigrants from 36 countries between April 21 and 24 alone 942 are Cubansa number surpassed only by Honduras’ 1,060.

Of these, 3,645 were adult males and females traveling alone and a further 1,163 were adults traveling in family units accompanied by 680 minors.

200 unaccompanied minors were also intercepted.

The INM statement states that the migrants were housed “in safe houses, trailer boxes, livestock trailers or hidden in crowded bus compartments or semi-trailer cabs without ventilation, water and food”.

Add that others were intercepted walking through desert or mountainous areas or found along highways after being robbed, injured or abandoned by perceived “guides”. in their attempt to reach the northern border of the country.

Next to Honduras and Cuba in first and second place The countries with the most migrants were Guatemala with 906; Nicaragua, 629; El Salvador, 474; Colombia, 469; Venezuela, 395; Peru, 153; Ecuador with 112 and Haiti with 91.

There is also a register of migrants alone or in small groups of one to eight people by nationality from the following countries:

Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belize, Uganda, Serbia, Mali, Argentina, Nigeria, Bolivia, France, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Armenia, Jamaica, Tajikistan, Nepal, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Romania, Eritrea, Panama, China, Yemen, Chile , Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Hungary, Somalia, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.

The statement states that in all cases the Immigrants intercepted in an irregular migration situation They were assisted by Beta Group members or Federal Migration Agents (AFM) on tasks coordinated with local or national institutions.

“The INM reaffirms its commitment to safe, orderly and regular migration, with full respect and respect for the rights of those who are in the process of mobility through Mexican territory, without undermining their economic, political or social situation,” concludes the official note broadcast by the National Institute of Migration on April 24.

last weekend the INM broke up a caravan of migrants planning to leave en masse for Mexico City from Tapachula on the Guatemalan border.

Federal authorities began serving the migrants in groups of 150 with promises to take them to shelters within four days to begin the migration regularization process and obtain humanitarian visas.

In fiscal year 2021, which ended September 30, the Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) detected more than 1.7 million undocumented immigrants at the country’s southern border, while the Mexican government deported more than 114,000 foreigners in a similar period, data des interior ministry of that country.

However, since the beginning of the current financial year, on October 1, 2021, the migration flow has been at record levels.

March only More than 32,000 Cubans entered the United States along the land border with Mexico, a traveling avalanche that surpassed that of the rafters as early as 1994 and is approaching the magnitude of the Mariel exodus of 1980.

The March number doubled 16,550 Cubans who entered North American territory in February after passing the Mexican border points.

The Mexican army has deployed more than 28,000 agents for migration tasks along the northern and southern borders, the defense ministry announced last week.