Mexicos mass run on the US border

Mexico’s mass run on the US border

A Covid regulation that allowed US authorities to take more restrictive measures against immigrants is history. Joe Biden’s administration is now tightening its asylum policy – and drastically.

New York/El Paso. Over 10,000 Illegal Border Crossings Per Day: Once again, the US government has recorded record numbers from its southern border – where thousands of people try to get from Mexico to the US every day. The number of migrants this week was the highest on record.

And that’s for a reason. Since 23:59 on Thursday, the Covid pandemic has also been declared at the border. That means the end of a regulation called Title 42. It was introduced at the start of the corona crisis by the administration of then-President Donald Trump – and it allowed authorities to process border crossings more quickly. In other words, anyone caught by officials crossing the border illegally was not entitled to an asylum claim. The editing process on Title 42 took ten minutes; now, returning to the normal system, it is more than an hour. Under Trump’s rule, migrants could simply be sent back to Mexico – now a tougher legal process is the order of the day.