Miami Thieves Steal More Than 60000 Crane

Miami Thieves Steal More Than $60,000 Crane

According to a report by local media América TeVé, two thieves in Miami stole a forklift crane worth more than $60,000 in broad daylight in broad daylight.

According to the information, the boisterous malefactors were caught by the security cameras of the company where the team was staying at around 06:45 on Sunday.

The truck was parked in the parking lot of the company it belonged to at 67th Avenue and Eighth Street in Miami.

The owner was stunned by “the audacity with which these thieves took this forklift crane in broad daylight” and told the news channel that the thieves had experience with this type of theft because “they even removed the GPS device from the unit. ” .

So far there is no news about the perpetrators.

Robberies in Miami have become frequent following the rise in the cost of living, rents and the massive arrival of migrants of various nationalities in recent months.

On June 16, the Cuban Osmel Lázaro Machado was arrested in this city after being captured by a surveillance camera. Stealing car converters in Little Havana.

When cops arrested the suspect at a hotel in that city, they confiscated power tools needed to remove catalytic converters from vehicles.

Miami Police Department spokesman Mike Vega said of the case that this type of crime is becoming more common and cautioned fellow citizens to be more careful and keep their belongings safe.

He also pointed out that stealing these pieces is easy and takes only a few minutes, making their execution and the thief’s escape easier.

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