Michael B Jordan meets a woman who bullied him at

Michael B. Jordan meets a woman who bullied him at school; applaud his reaction

Michael B. Jordan is now a Hollywood star enjoying his latest achievements, such as his directorial debut with Creed III, which hits Mexican theaters March 2nd.

However, decades ago, the actor did not have a good experience in high school due to being bullied, and due to these twists and turns in life, he returned to those tough times in the middle of the work day.

On one of the film’s red carpets, in which he once again put himself in the shoes of Adonis Creed, he had an awkward moment when it turned out that a journalist who was interviewing him was one of the classmates who met him in his class abused youth.

The moment became tense when the famous host of The Morning Hustle, Lore’l, met Jordan again and had to ask him about the third part of the saga, which follows the classic Rocky.

Prior to this episode, the journalist had previously confessed on her podcast Undressing Room that she made fun of her classmate at the school they both attended in Newark, New Jersey.

“If I have to be honest, the truth is that we made fun of him the whole time because his name was Michael Jordan and he obviously wasn’t Michael Jordan,” the woman confessed, adding, “He came with his.” Actor to class photos, with his portrait. We lived in Newark, that was the neighborhood. We laughed at him and said, ‘What are you going to do with this ridiculous photo?’ He was a nice guy, but cheesy.”

Therefore, when the two saw each other on the red carpet, Karma put the roles in their place and the televised moment left everyone who saw it with an awkward feeling. And right at the beginning of the questions, Lore’l said to break the tension:

We know each other Michael, our history goes back to Chad Academy of Science in Newark.” The actor replied, clearly upset, “Yeah, I was the ‘cheesy guy’, right?”

Lore’l hadn’t expected it and her obvious nervousness betrayed her: “I never said that, that’s definitely a misunderstanding,” she answered.

But Jordan wasn’t far behind. “No, I heard it, I heard it. But it’s all good,” said the actor, trying to wind down the topic of conversation. Lore’l, on the other hand, wanted the last word: “I said we made fun of your name, but you’re doing very well now , you’re definitely not cheesy anymore,” her ex-partner shared with her of this unexpected meeting.

At the end of the interview, Lore’l concludes, “You’re definitely not a cheesy boy anymore,” referring to the nickname the actor was teased with at school.