1686447024 Michel Cymes reveals his secret to no longer being afraid

Michel Cymes reveals his secret to no longer being afraid of spiders! Tux board

Michel Cymes reveals his secret to no longer being afraid of spiders!

Are you very afraid of spiders? Good news, Michel Cymes tells you his secret to stop being afraid of it!

It seems that the fear of spiders is everywhere! More commonly known as spider phobia, it causes great fear in people when they come into contact with this type of creature. Good news, Michel Cymes tells you his secret to stop being afraid of it!

Michel Cymes shares tips to stay healthy!

Doctor Michel Cymes every week gives health advice. Sometimes he informs the French about diets, about solutions to keep the mood up … Or even about various diseases.

Michel Cymes, for example, is used to giving Storage tips Line. It reveals even more also his daily habits! In fact, he explains that you shouldn’t gain weight after the age of 50-55. And for a good reason! It takes a lot more effort to lose it.

That’s why he weighs himself every day to monitor his progress. When he exceeds his base weight, he watches his diet. And he doesn’t manage to play sports again. Michel Cymes also has his own opinion on this the ineffectiveness of restrictive diets. According to him, they must be avoided in order not to fall into the yo-yo effect. For him, the secret of losing weight lies in good nutrition.

The television flagship doctor also reveals his technology on the RTL microphone go to sleep at night. “If you’re still sleepy, you should stay in bed. On the other hand, when your brain is active, it is better to get up. And do something else. The light from screens often wakes us up. And the sound of the radio keeps the brain active.”

But Michel Cymes is not satisfied just to give health advice. In fact, he also revealed a very good trick to stop being afraid of spiders!

How to give up the fear of spiders?

It’s timely, because spiders are back this season! They come home without permission to find freshness. And very often these little beasts Black scare people.

It must be said that their outward appearance can seem intimidating. However, they are generally quite small and not very hairy. But they have a knack for scaring anyone who gets in their way.

Her hairy paws and hers Speed ​​makes people arachnophobic. According to our colleagues from the French language school, this type of person will “be able to detect the presence of a spider in their place.” Faster than the average human. »

But as the saying goes: “It’s not the small one.” beast that will eat the big one“. Michel Cymes then gives you good advice to face the spider phobia.

He explains: “There are solutions for you.” Relieve stress in the face of a spider. So yes, spiders might look scary, but they’re small creatures that can’t hurt you. Most spiders are harmless to humans. The best solution is cognitive behavioral therapy. »

Before I add: “It has been shown to be extremely effective in treating many phobias. Part of this therapy involves gradually exposing the patient to spiders in a controlled environment, starting simply with imagery, so that they learn to precisely control their fear. It works very well! »

For Michel Cymes, too, the solution is to survive through hypnosis sessions.


Shay Coquelite

Hello, I’m Shay, a web writer specializing in celebrity news and TV shows. I’ve loved watching the Cannes Film Festival since I was little. I’ve been writing articles in the People, Cinema and Media section for the last six months. My passion for these areas is reflected in each of my articles. Stay tuned to Tuxboard for my latest news and analysis!