Michela Murgia shows her sons ring The tree frog

Michela Murgia shows her son’s ring: “The tree frog expresses the strangeness of our …

The post comes a few days after the announcement of the marriage to Lorenzo Terenzi

Michela Murgia shows her sons ring The tree frog

A few days after the wedding in the articulo mortis Michelle Murgia He shares a photo with his followers that explains his idea of ​​a family. “This is the hand of one of my sons,” he writes. “He wears a wedding ring on his ring finger because he’s married. On her little finger she wears a resin chevalier imitating mother-of-pearl, resembling a tree frog. We all have it. AND our family ring. The two rings belong together and neither mocks or denies the other because they both have serious meaning. The first needs no explanation: we all know that a wedding ring represents the bond and its promises. The second Instead, it expresses the oddness of our extended family experience. The frog is a transitional animal that changes state many times in its life, from egg to tadpole, for various stages before reaching maturity, and is in a continuous process of change. It is amphibious, loving and visiting different habitats without necessarily belonging to just one. like to jump. To swim. Go. To sing. In certain variants, it can change color to match because there are circumstances where not seeing can be the only thing that saves your life.”

The seriously ill writer continues: “The ring with the frog embodies only one promise: we will change together free3. We did not exchange this object, no one tied gl3 to the other3 and it is not a collective wedding ring, the imitation of the other circle. But for us it is just as strong a sign of belonging: This little finger is home to both our ability to reliably “stay” with each other and the jump muscle, the inner potential to look beyond and be something else when needed. It seems utopian, but all of this has worked for us for twenty years.”

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