Michelle was my great love Then he dedicates it to

“Michelle was my great love.” Then he dedicates it to Aurora

Eros Ramazzotti arrived on December 18, 2022 as a guest of Mara Venier in the episode of Domenica In, wanted to remember Sinisa Mihajlovic, a great personal friend who died on Friday and to whom the same show dedicated the opening of the show.

The singer-songwriter is about to embark on a world tour, an experience that Mara addressed as the first topic. However, the subject was immediately taken up by Eros to clarify his love life. “You’re always busy…”, the presenter remarked about the many work appointments. “Not with women, I’m single,” the guest immediately emphasized, already married to Michelle Hunziker, with whom he first had his daughter Aurora, and then to Marica Pellegrinelli, mother of the other two children Raffaela Maria and Gabrio Tullio: “Love to finding isn’t easy, I have those for my kids,” he added. “If you meet a soulmate you don’t know, I’m certainly always open to love.”

Eros Ramazzotti: “They are revenge for my friends”

One of the surprises of the live broadcast was the presence of Eros Ramazzotti’s childhood friends, invited to the studio by Mara Venier. “He was always an artist from a young age,” they said of him, who has been described as determined from an early age to pursue a career in singing. “I’m a revenge on her, we grew up in the suburbs where no one blew us away. It’s an honor for me,” commented Eros, who was also pushed by his parents to believe in his passions. Now you, A Promised Land, An important story were the songs sung live together with Mara and the studio audience, to which he also recalled the importance that the Sanremo Festival had in his career, which has reached the threshold of 40 years.

The connection with Biagio Antonacci, who intervened to greet his great friend, interrupted the dialogue between Mara and Eros, which was then greeted by Alejandro Sanz and Lorenzo Jovanotti: “Many stories unite us, all beautiful,” said the colleague at the end of the video message . Rosario Fiorello and Alessandro Del Piero were also present with a message.

The words for Michelle Hunziker and the dedication for Aurora

Room for private life, introduced by the speech of the most beautiful, a song dedicated to Michelle Hunziker. “I had already done it, then I got to know her and dedicated it to her,” said Eros about the origin of his great success: “When we were in America, the director of the video was looking for a girl and saw Michelle. She was my big one Love, she is my daughter’s mother … It can’t be otherwise,” she said, opening up about the beauty of their relationship. Mara Venier then broadcast the moment from Michelle Hunziker’s program on Canale 5 where they sang together, confirming hers beautiful relationship: “When two separate, it does not mean war, it is right to remember it and give each other affection every day.” , commented Eros, who also referred to Marica Pellegrinelli, in the video about her private life , which was broadcast.

As for Aurora, who is about to become a mother, “Her love is beautiful and deep, strong and true, and she is a role model,” she said of her daughter and partner Goffredo Cerza, “Auri is a ready girl to she has a big head”. Finally, for her, the song L’Aurora, sung and modified for the occasion: “Where are you now… do you want to take me… The puppy,” grandfather Eros concluded, touched.

The friends of Eros Ramazzotti

Biagio Antonacci related to Eros Ramazzotti

Jovanotti's video message