Microsoft fixes a bug in Edge

Observers are warning Microsoft about strange behavior in its Edge browser, which not only imported data from Chrome but also copied its tabs. This without the consent of the users. Without further explanation, the Redmond company has just discreetly fixed the “bug”.

Edge: Microsoft expands features… and bugs

Microsoft is adding features to Edge, which is a good thing in itself, but can sometimes be a detriment. Proof of this is the behavior of the browser that stole data and copied tabs from third-party browsers like Chrome.

Observers and users have been reporting this bug since last month. They explain that Microsoft Edge sometimes starts automatically after a Windows update. According to what, The browser opens all tabs that the user had open in Chrome before applying the update.


Multiple reports from users and observers claim that after a recent Windows update, Edge opened with all the tabs they had used in their previous browsing sessions. The, even if users have disabled the functionality intended for this purpose.

An update and a small explanation about the cause of the problem

Microsoft recently released a patch that fixes this bug affecting an Edge feature. The latter Allows the browser to extract data from other installed browsers. Specifically, Microsoft has provided a fix for this problem in Edge version 121.0.2277.128.

Microsoft fixes the Edge

In the update note, the company writes: “Edge has a feature that provides the ability to import browser data from other browsers at each launch with user consent.” The status of this feature may be out of sync and become incorrect across multiple devices displayed. It is corrected”.

Microsoft does not clearly explain the cause of the error in its notice, but simply states that there is an issue with the synchronization of navigation data import settings across devices. Despite requests from users, observers and the media, the company does not want to provide further explanations.

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