Midterm Trump promises very big announcement next week

Midterm Trump promises ‘very big announcement’ next week

Former US President Donald Trump has indicated that he may announce a new candidacy for the post next week. During an appearance in the state of Ohio, Trump announced a “very large announcement” on Tuesday night, November 15. He justified the week-long waiting period by saying, “We don’t want anything to distract us from the importance of tomorrow.”

This Tuesday, the House of Representatives, parts of the Senate and dozens of governors will be re-elected in the United States. It has long been speculated that Trump could announce his own candidacy in the 2024 presidential election after the success of well-meaning candidates. Rumors were spread on Monday that this could happen at the Ohio show. In the end, though, the announcement of next week’s date remained.

Trump chose his Mar-a-Lago, Florida property as the venue for the November 15 event. During the Monday appearance, he again repeated his false claim that current President Joe Biden only won the election against him in November 2020 through fraud.

Trump insults House Speaker Pelosi again

Former US President Donald Trump continues to incite his supporters against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even after her husband was injured in an attack on the couple’s home. During an appearance on Tuesday night, Trump referred to Pelosi as an “animal”. He referred to the two impeachment proceedings launched against him by House Democrats during his presidency. They failed because of the Republicans in the Senate.

Immediately before Trump’s appearance, Pelosi spoke emotionally in her first interview since the attack on her husband ten days ago. While Pelosi was in Washington, a man broke into her San Francisco home overnight. According to police, he woke her husband Paul, also 82, and demanded to see the Speaker of Parliament. When the police, alerted by Paul Pelosi, arrived, the man hit him with a hammer. As a result, Paul Pelosi had to undergo surgery for a fractured skull. The attacker later testified that he wanted to question Pelosi and crush her knees.

She was particularly concerned that her husband was not the actual target of the attack, “but he paid the price,” Pelosi told CNN. She linked the attack to Trump’s lie about his allegedly stolen 2020 presidential election victory and other misinformation spread by his GOP supporters. The attack by Trump supporters on Capitol Hill in Washington in January 2021 was motivated by him. Trump called Pelosi “Crazy Nancy” for years.

Pelosi urged Republicans to move away from Trump’s rhetoric. “We need a strong Republican Party in our country,” the Democrat said. Republicans have accomplished great things for America – “and they should be proud of that rather than surrendering to the cult of a villain.”

According to polls, Democrats are in danger of losing their majority in the House of Representatives in Tuesday’s midterm elections. Pelosi did not say in the interview whether she would retire if she did, but acknowledged that the attack on her husband would influence that decision. Pelosi is number three in the US political hierarchy, after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as Speaker of the House of Representatives. (pa/dpa)