1693020410 Miguel Bose files a formal complaint with the Mexico City

Miguel Bosé files a formal complaint with the Mexico City Attorney’s Office about the robbery at his home

Miguel Bose files a formal complaint with the Mexico City

Spanish singer Miguel Bosé, 67, has filed a formal complaint with the Attorney General of Mexico City over the robbery he suffered at his home in the Mexican capital on Friday, August 18, a few days after the authorities of the Landes had launched an investigation. The media reported abuses. Prosecutors said in a statement that “based on the information received”, which became part of the investigation file that started earlier this week, they ordered police intervention to question and analyze other possible witnesses to the attack on the artist Video surveillance camera images. In addition, it has given forensic experts the “green light” to collect evidence at the address where the events took place: Rancho San Francisco, one of the most exclusive and reputedly safest neighborhoods in Mexico City.

Bosé filed the complaint this Thursday, almost a week after he was arrested by “a squad of 10 armed people”, as he himself described last Monday’s theft on his social networks. According to the artist, several armed individuals broke into his home last Friday in what he says was a “very thoughtful and careful” attack. And it all happened while his two children were in the house with him. “They attacked us, they tied my children, the domestic staff and me for more than two hours,” said the interpreter of Amante bandido or Morenamía in the publication on his official Instagram account, where he has 990,000 followers.

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The Mexican judiciary confirms that at the time the investigation was opened, they had asked the artist to file a “formal complaint” about the crime, since days after the incident “neither the victim, nor his legal representative, nor the administration of the condominium” was before this public prosecutor’s office appeared to report the offence. Finally, he did so four days later, according to the organ, which confirms that “he received a formal complaint from a foreign singer.” [Bosé] and his legal representative for the crime of home robbery by force. “The person concerned, in an interview with the official of the Ministry of State of the General Coordination of Territorial Investigations, stated that the theft took place on the night of last Friday, August 18, when several armed people broke into his house,” said the Prosecutor’s Office. in a statement that you have shared on your X account [socialnetworkformerlycalledTwitter)[redsocialanteriormentellamadaTwitter)[sozialesNetzwerkfrüherTwittergenannt)[redsocialanteriormentellamadaTwitter)

In addition, the intervention of investigators from the Investigative Police (PDI) was ordered to interview other possible witnesses to the events and to analyze images from public and private video surveillance cameras that recorded the crime. The Attorney General of Mexico City also announced that the intervention of employees of the General Coordination of Forensic Investigations and Expert Services, experts in criminology, chemistry, photography and assessment, has begun to collect evidence at the address where the robbery took place. This is Rancho San Francisco, nestled in the middle of the forest, in a mountainous region west of Mexico City, surrounded by trees but also surrounded by guards, cameras, and walls with supposedly electrified cables, which apparently didn’t prevent the attack.

According to the version that Bosé circulated on social networks, on Friday evening a group of ten armed people broke into his home, where his two twelve-year-old sons were also – “they behaved like two brave men. Admirable” – and some domestic workers. According to some versions of entertainment journalists in Mexico, the criminals surprised him in the lower part of the house while his children stayed upstairs. Then the subjects locked the artist in a room with his children and domestic workers. The singer, who nevertheless clarified that he will not leave Mexico, reiterated that everyone is fine although the thieves took “everything, including the car,” and took the opportunity to express his gratitude for people’s support and care thank. “Keep calm. I thank my neighbors in the urbanization who arrived first, from the bottom of my heart,” he said.

On the same day, the capital’s prosecutor’s office reported that agents from the mayor’s office of Álvaro Obregón, where the ranch is located, went to the scene but were denied entry. He also posted on social media the discovery of a truck matching the characteristics of the vehicle reported stolen and said he was waiting for the victim to show up to prove his ownership.