Mike Johnson Separate aid funds for Ukraine and Israel

Mike Johnson: Separate aid funds for Ukraine and Israel

The newly elected Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has spoken out in favor of separate treatment of aid funds for Ukraine and Israel.

“Israel is a separate issue – we will come up with a stand-alone funding measure for Israel of over $14 billion,” Johnson said in an interview with Fox News on Thursday, adding that House Republicans would look for other areas where they could cut. the budget to finance the funds for Israel.

Johnson also expressed concern about financial support for Ukraine in general. “We want to know what the objective is there (…). The White House didn’t tell us that,” Johnson said. Ukraine should not be left alone because Russian President Vladimir Putin should not win there. But above all, the US must now support Israel.

US President Biden wants Congress to provide an additional $106 billion in funding. Most of the money would go towards strengthening Ukraine’s defense and the rest would be divided between Israel, the Indo-Pacific region and border surveillance.