Milei signs first decree halving the number of ministries com

Milei signs first decree halving the number of ministries .com

Javier Milei during the inauguration at Casa Rosada Luis ROBAYO / AFP10/12/2023

O President of Argentina, Javier Milei, signed the first decree of his government after taking office this Sunday (10). This text changes the number of ministries from the current 18 to nine departments that will make up the administration.

By Friday (8) there would only be eight portfolios, but the new Argentine president went back and decided to keep that Ministry of Health; The previous idea was to convert it into a secretariat.

Which ministries are there?

Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of International Trade
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Economic Affairs
Ministry of Infrastructure
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Security
Ministry of Health and Human Capital


In his inaugural speech, Milei highlighted the new government's strategies to lead the country out of the crisis, but stressed that the situation will not improve immediately.

“There is no money, there is no alternative to adaptation, there is no alternative to shock,” Milei told a blue and white crowd. “In the short term the situation will worsen, but later we will see the fruits of our efforts,” he added.

This Monday (11) he will chair the first cabinet meeting at the Casa Rosada, the official residence of the Argentine government.

Get to know those chosen as ministers in Javier Milei's government

O Ultraliberal Javier Milei takes office this Sunday (10) with a smaller number of ministries compared to the number in the government of his predecessor Alberto Fernández. There used to be 18 folders, now there are nine. By Friday (8) there would only be eight departments, but the new Argentine president went back and decided to keep Health as a ministry; The previous idea was to convert it into a secretariat. Get to know those chosen as ministers in Javier Milei's government:

Agustin Marcarian/File Photo/Portal November 19, 2023

Luis Caputo, former finance minister and former central bank president during the government of the neoliberal Maurício Macri, becomes economy minister. Luis “Toto” Caputo, as he is known, will have the difficult task of defining and implementing plans to address Argentina's worst economic crisis in recent decades. Since the end of the election on November 19, Caputo, a financial expert with experience at private banks in the United States, has been meeting with representatives of Argentina's financial and manufacturing sectors.

Portal/Marcos Brindicci/07/22/2018

The political scientist Patricia Bullrich will take office as Argentina's new security minister. She is a former Argentine security minister, came third in the first round of the last elections for the rightwing coalition Juntos por el Cambio (in Portuguese: Together for Change) and had conflicts with Milei in the first part of the campaign. After the first round, she publicly supported him and stated that they had both “forgiven each other.” Although her political roots are linked to the left, the presidential candidate presents herself as a centerright politician

Enrique García Medina/File via EFE

The lawyer Mariano Cuneo Libarona The new Minister of Justice has been appointed. He rose to prominence in the 1990s when he represented Guillermo Coppola, Diego Maradona's former manager, and in other relevant cases, including the investigation of the attack on Amia (Associação Mutual Israelita Argentina) in 1994. Libarona also acted as a lawyer and consultant for several football club teams, including San Lorenzo and Newell's Old Boys. He currently continues to work as a lawyer and consultant for other clubs such as River Plate and Racing. Guillermo Ferraro will take over the Ministry of Infrastructure. With extensive experience in politics, he coordinated the national inspection of Javier Milei's coalition La Libertad Avanza (in Portuguese: Advances in Freedom), contributed to the technical teams of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, 2009 and between 2002 and in 2003 he was Undersecretary of State for Industry. In an interview with Argentina's Radio Miter, Ferraro explained that his goal at the helm of the ministry will be to promote private sector participation and reduce government intervention in this area. Diana Mondino will command the State Department. She graduated from Ucema (University of the Center for Macroeconomic Studies of Argentina), where she works as Director of Institutional Affairs. In the past, she worked as a director in companies listed in Argentina and on the New York Stock Exchange such as Pampa Energia, Banco Supervielle and Loma Negra the latter is considered a leader in the production of cement, concrete and lime. Diana recently said that Argentina would not have relations with Brazil or China, according to the journalist Sandra Pettovello will take over the Ministry of Human Capital, which will have the largest budget in Milei's government. The portfolio will cover the areas of social development, health, labor and education. Sandra holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Belgrano and in Family Studies from Austral University. She also holds a postgraduate degree in family policy from the International University of Catalonia in Spain. She is not active in most of the areas she will lead

Reproduction: Facebook/@sandra.pettovello April 5, 2023

The lawyer Guillermo Franco will head the Interior Ministry. Of all the ministers, he is the one who has spent the longest time in politics. Francos was a city councilor in Buenos Aires from 1985 to 1993 and became national deputy for the city of Buenos Aires in 1997, a position he held until 2000. He was also President of the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires between 2007 and 2011. In 2019, he became Argentina's representative to the IDB (InterAmerican Development Bank) and held that role until 2023, when he resigned to join Milei's team.

Reproduction: YouTube/@NeuraMedia October 17, 2023

The person elected to head the Ministry of Defense was Luis Petri, lawyer who also worked in politics. He was a provincial MP from 2006 to 2013 and a national MP from 2013 to 2021. In the 2023 elections, he ran in the primaries as a candidate for the government of Mendoza, but was defeated by Alfredo Cornejo. He then ran for president as Bullrich's vice president. According to Argentine media, Petri's name was suggested by Argentina's new security minister

Reproduction: YouTube/@NeuraMedia October 31, 2023

The cardiologist Mario Russo He was the last person chosen for the Milei government. He will be responsible for the Ministry of Health. During the election campaign, the new president had promised that health would only be a secretariat, probably linked to the Ministry of Human Capital. Russo was Minister of Health in the cities of San Miguel (2009). 2015) and Morón (20152016) and held the position of Undersecretary for the Coordination of Health Policy and Health Planning and Control in the same province (20152019) of Buenos Aires

Photo: Reproduction Municipio de San Miguel via Infobae