Milei stays ahead in Argentine presidential race

Milei stays ahead in Argentine presidential race

The candidate’s percentage fluctuates between 31.1% and 35% of the vote in polls; If the results are confirmed, voting will take place in a second round

According to the latest voting intention polls, Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza) continues to lead the race for the presidency of Argentina. The first round of voting will take place in just over a month, on October 22nd. The election must go into the 2nd round.

According to a poll published on September 7 by the consulting firm Analogías, Milei has 31.1% of the vote. In second place is Economy Minister Sergio Massa (Unión por la Patria) with 28.1%. The former security minister Patricia Bullrich (Juntos por el Cambio) has 21.2%. Here is the full study (PDF 881 kB).

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From September 3rd to 5th, telephone interviews were conducted with 2,398 people from 24 Argentine provinces. The margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points and the confidence level is 95%.

Another study previously conducted by Opinaia shows that Milei has a greater advantage. The politician comes with 35% of the vote, compared to 25% for Massa and 23% for Bullrich.

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The study was published on September 3 by the newspaper Clarín. A total of 2,000 voters were surveyed from August 15th to 23rd. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.

For the election race to end in the 1st round, a candidate must receive 45% of the vote or at least 40% and a lead of 10 percentage points over the 2nd place candidate. According to the two companies, the elections are likely to go into the second round, which is scheduled for November 19th.

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Javier Gerardo Milei is 52 years old, has a degree in economics and led the primaries on August 13, 2023 with 30.4% of the vote in the dispute for the presidency of Argentina. He is on the right side of the ideological political spectrum and represents liberal ideas about the economy. He advocates closing the country’s central bank, abolishing the peso and using the U.S. dollar as the local currency.

The candidate is running for Casa Rosada through the “La Libertad Avanza” (in Portuguese: Advances in Freedom) coalition. Milei defines himself as an “anarchocapitalist” and “libertarian” he is against government intervention in society and supports the free market system. He says his program is a “chainsaw” to cut public spending. He claims that global warming is a lie, supports the sale of organs and defends the system of noncompulsory education.

Read more about who the presidential candidates are in the election on October 22, 2023 in Argentina here.