Million Dollar Gold Robbery at Toronto Airport

Million Dollar Gold Robbery at Toronto Airport

A container with valuable cargo fell into the hands of thieves: it contained gold and other items worth around 13.5 million euros.

A container with gold and other objects worth more than 20 million Canadian dollars (equivalent to about 13.5 million euros) was stolen by thieves at Perason International Airport in Toronto. The container was stolen on Monday after being unloaded from a plane at a cargo facility, Stephen Duivesteyn of the Peel Police Department said Thursday night (local time), according to media reports.

The container contained gold, “but not only gold, but also other items of financial value”. He declined to speculate whether organized crime was behind the theft, Duivesteyn said. The arrests have not yet been made. There is also no information about the whereabouts of the gold.

The plane arrived early Monday evening. “As usual, the plane was unloaded and the cargo was transferred from the plane to the hold,” said Duivesteyn. The “Toronto Sun” reported, referring to industry experts, that the thief or thieves must have had inside help. Police also did not comment on the final destination of the cargo or the intended recipient of the cargo.
