1685192545 Millions of infections new corona variant in China

Millions of infections new corona variant in China

Corona numbers in China have increased rapidly in recent weeks. The reason for this is, among other things, the new variant of the XXB-Omikron virus.

A new corona wave is currently unfolding in China, causing millions of new infections in recent weeks. The announcement was made by the Health Commission in Beijing on Friday. In some parts of the country, schools have already been asked to take preventive measures. According to Chinese media reports, experts are currently assuming 40 million infections a week.

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The number of cases is expected to continue to explode through the end of June. Zhong Nanshan, a leading Chinese epidemiologist, expects more than 65 million new infections in a week at the peak of the wave. It is said that one of the reasons for this is declining immunity. According to estimates, more than 80-90% of the population was infected with Covid-19 during the last massive corona wave in China in December and January.

Omicron XXB variant is spreading rapidly

Furthermore, the new variant of XXB-Omikron virus is causing great concern to experts. The new mutation spreads quickly and should escape the immune system more easily. However, people who have already been infected with Corona in winter can expect a milder course if they get infected again, according to state media.

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According to estimates by foreign experts, about a million people have died as a result of a Covid infection in recent weeks alone. So far, however, there is no official data on winter deaths.

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