Miñones points to attention to mental health and the promotion of research, development and innovation as European health challenges


Acting Minister of Health José Miñones pointed out this Thursday that attention to mental health or the promotion of research, development and innovation to develop better products, services and public policies are among the major current challenges and future prospects of the European healthcare system.

This was highlighted during his telematic speech at the forum on the future of healthcare in Europe, organized by the British weekly newspaper The Economist.

As reported by Health, Miñones defended the need to implement the use of new technologies, research and innovation in healthcare, with the aim of obtaining “better products, services and public policies” and making the most of the opportunities they bring. Health data.

In this sense, he highlighted the importance of advances such as electronic access to basic clinical history or interoperability between autonomous communities and their expansion at European level. Large-scale management of health data can also drive the development of new products and services for prevention and treatment, according to Miñones.

For the incumbent minister, Spain and the European Union are experiencing a “key moment” with the regulation of the European Health Data Space. Tools that are “already the key lever to achieve a more agile, robust and resilient national health system”.


In his speech, the acting minister also referred to two measures promoted in Spain, such as the Mental Health Strategy 2022-2026, updated after more than 12 years, and the implementation of the Action Plan 2022-2024, financed for the first time. a one-off payment of 100 million euros at the expense of the overall state budget.

He also stressed the importance of creating synergies at European and global levels in terms of prevention, detection and treatment, calling for a focus on the most vulnerable groups, such as young people and other at-risk groups, beyond just access on mental health, but also influences access to mental health in the area of ​​prevention.

In doing so, he confirmed the relevance of measures to promote healthy living environments and habits. “Investing in prevention, investing in health is an investment in the present and, above all, in the future,” concluded Miñones.

(SERVIMEDIA)12. Oct 2023 14:34 (GMT +2)AHP/gja

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