Minsa responds to DT of Corinthians asking for warning about

Minsa responds to DT of Corinthians asking for warning about cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

After Corinthians manager Vanderlei Luxemburgo spoke to the media and expressed his concerns about his side’s upcoming trip to Lima for the Copa Sudamericana game against Universitario. The Brazilian strategist was on high alert given the surge in cases of the syndrome Guillain Barre. After what happened the Ministry of Health (Minsa) He came forward and replied to the Brazilian strategist that “it doesn’t transfer from person to person”.

In a statement, the Minsa explained some important points about this syndrome, clarifying that there is no problem playing the Copa Sudamericana game in Lima. He emphasized that “there is no risk of infection” for the Corinthians players.

“Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is not transmitted from person to person, so there is no risk of contagion for the players of the Brazilian club in our country. This disease is a rare condition in which the patient’s own immune system attacks the peripheral nerves.” , reads the first part of the document.

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Minsa responds to DT of Corinthians asking for warning about