Miranda welcomes the beneficiaries of the Conecta co Camino program

Miranda welcomes the beneficiaries of the “Conecta co Camiño” program from Argentina and Brazil in Vigo Chronicles of Emigration

Residents of five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba and Venezuela), the first to arrive under this year’s call, 17 in total, are from Argentina and Brazil. The rest of the chosen few are from Cuba – there is one also expected to arrive today – as well as from Venezuela and Uruguay, who are due to arrive in Galicia tomorrow and join the group.

Accompanied by the territorial delegates of the Xunta in Vigo, Ana Ortiz, the person in charge of Xunta emigration took an interest in the places of origin of the newcomers, whom he encouraged to enjoy their stay in the autonomous community, which will be extended until the 31st of this month July, as well as to spread in their countries of residence the excellence of a program aimed at bringing the relevant aspects of their traditions and culture closer to Galicians living abroad.

Enthusiastic about the program that awaited them during these days of stay in their parents’ place of origin, the young people, although tired after 13 and 14 hours of flight, were ready to live the experience in an enriching way and to complete eight Galician sections on foot The Camino de Santiago Portugués along the coast to Compostela.

The program, carried out in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Youth, Participation and Volunteering, complements the walks with excursions to various points of interest of the Autonomous Community, such as places associated with the contour of the path, also places typical of other routes, such as the Monastery of San Esteban de Ribas de Sil or other scenic enclaves of the Ribeira Sacra.

“Conecta co Camiño” offers a total of 50 places for young people between the ages of 18 and 20, linked to Galicia abroad, to promote, through the Camino de Santiago, attachment to their land and culture, thereby learning about the reality of contemporary and modern Galicia.