Miss Italy 2023 is Francesca Bergesio daughter of Lega Senator

Miss Italy 2023 is Francesca Bergesio, daughter of Lega Senator Giorgio Maria Bergesio ​​

by Elvira Serra

The 19-year-old Miss Piemonte won the 84th edition of the competition in Salsomaggiore Terme

SALSOMAGGIORE – Miss Italy 2023 Francesca Bergesio, 19 years old, from Bra and resident in Cervere, in the Cuneo area. As the daughter of Lega Senator Giorgio Maria Bergesio, she started wearing the Miss Piemonte sash. Brown hair, graduate of European Classics, she has just enrolled in medical school in Rome. “I would like to specialize in cardiac surgery,” he explained. She lived in a boarding school for five years, where her passion for acting was born. I want to become a doctor but also combine my work with the world of fashion or cinema, which I won’t give up.

Miss Italia number 84, the Pride of Beauty Edition. Everyone, from jury president Vittorio Sgarbi to jurors Giulia Salemi, Hoara Borselli and Giuseppe Cruciani, wanted to stigmatize the demonization of beauty. It was the Undersecretary of State for Cultural Heritage who declared the event open in the afternoon via streaming on the Miss Italia website and denounced the absence of Rai: “We have always seen it on Rai Uno, I find it sad that now it is only few of us enjoy.” We will declare it a national holiday, to celebrate the beauty of Giotto’s civilization, a national day should be dedicated to him. Women are creatures of God and their beauty belongs to us and does not limit intelligence. I find it outrageous that Rai is broadcasting a Sanremo full of humble singers: why is the heresy of men kissing on television okay and the beauty of women not? And yesterday morning at the press conference he said that he would propose to Minister Sangiuliano to include Miss Italia in the cultural heritage, as a tradition that belongs to the history and traditions of our country.

The jury followed him. The Cruciani Mosquito: Anyone who thinks this is a contribution of sexism is an idiot emeritus. Hoara Borselli: We must stop this very dangerous trend of demonizing beauty in the name of abusing inclusivity. And Giulia Salemi: Well, I’m here today because I started as Miss Italy. Even psychologist Vera Slepoj, who was responsible for assessing the candidates’ personalities, emphasized that by eliminating Miss Italy we are not contributing to creating a better world. These girls have experienced violence and been bullied because of their beauty.

The show’s hosting was entrusted to Jo Squillo, who looks great in a white one-shoulder sheath dress that a twenty-year-old would envy. Every time Sgarbi (barefoot) asked to see the girls up close (very) closely, sparks flew. “I’m short-sighted,” he defended himself, annoyed. “Look at a work of art the same way you look at a woman,” Cruciani supported. Finally, the owner Patrizia Mirigliani can say that she is satisfied. Girls in tennis outfits, disappeared bikinis, black cocktail dresses that emphasized their simplicity. There was no shortage of desire for world peace (unfortunately never that relevant) and the quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Mirigliani began by denouncing a certain anger against Miss Italia. At the Palazzo dei Congressi in Salsomaggiore Terme, where the competition returned after 13 years, the entire audience was on his side.

November 11, 2023 (changed November 11, 2023 | 9:53 p.m.)