1677897751 Missile dispute Moscow fires on Serbia

Missile dispute Moscow fires on Serbia

The Russian leadership is now demanding an explanation from Serbia over its own propaganda reports about alleged missile deliveries to Ukraine.

Indeed, Belgrade and Moscow are closely linked, but the Kremlin’s statements about the Balkans’ relationship have recently taken on an icy tone: they are deeply concerned about reports of Serb missile deliveries to Ukraine, which first surfaced in February. in the Russian media. close to the government, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. If they are correct, this raises a “serious question” in Serbian-Russian relations.

Maria Zakharova is the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson under Sergei Lavrov.Maria Zakharova is the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia under Sergei Lavrov.AP/picdesk.com

According to Kremlin-led reports, a Serbian state armaments company recently supplied around 3,500 rounds for Grad rocket launchers used by Russian and Ukrainian troops. The 122 mm rockets were delivered to Ukraine via Turkey and Slovakia.

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Serbia denies delivery

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, on the other hand, said his country had not handed over any weapons to the warring factions in Ukraine. Arms exports would have to be approved by his ministry. “Serbia does not supply any military equipment to any country, which we think would be somewhat problematic,” Dacic said.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic.Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic. Burhan Ozbilici / AP / picturedesk.com

Defense Minister Milos Vucevic had previously assured that his country had not delivered any missiles to Ukraine. However, they could have gotten there via detours. “When private companies buy arms in third country markets and then sell them to other companies in other countries, that is not an issue for Serbia. This is international trade,” said Vucevic.

Kosovo issue

Serbia is one of Russia’s closest allies in Europe. Russia backs Serbia’s claim to the former province of Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008 with Western backing. Serbia, for its part, has refused to impose sanctions on Russia over the war in Ukraine. Western diplomats fear Russia could use tensions in Kosovo to destabilize the Balkan region.

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